# Maintainer: Neng Xu # Contributor: Tobias Quinn # Contributor: John Radley ## ## This is an install from Orient's tar.gz, and does not build Java sources ## pkgname=orientdb-community ## PKGBUILD:pkgver is not allowed to contain colons, hyphens or whitespace pkgversion=2.2.12 #pkgrc=rc2 pkgrc= #pkgsuffix=-$pkgrc pkgsuffix= #pkgver=$pkgversion.$pkgrc pkgver=$pkgversion pkgtmp= pkgrel=1 #epoch=1 pkgdesc="OrientDB Graph-Document NoSQL - Community Edition" arch=('any') license=('Apache') url="http://www.orientdb.org" depends=('sh' 'java-environment') makedepends=('unzip') conflicts=('orientdb' 'orientdb-git' 'orientdb-graphed-git' 'orientdb-graphed') install=$pkgname.install groups=() checkdepends=() optdepends=() provides=() replaces=() backup=() options=() noextract=() changelog="" # # Using Orient's explict tar.gz download for this version. # server2.sh and shutdown2.sh are versions more suited to systemd usage. # source=( "orientdb-community-${pkgversion}${pkgsuffix}.tar.gz::http://orientdb.com/download.php?email=unknown@unknown.com&file=orientdb-community-${pkgversion}${pkgsuffix}.tar.gz&os=linux" 'orientdb.service' 'server2.sh' 'shutdown2.sh' ) md5sums=( 'baa2817c9ccb2e4d16501e012a6ec6a7' '2845ee26c2b4a370fde6ada6815b5eeb' '4a5fe9143276adf167dbb7ae46a4f3f2' 'e9482fd3b41fc56af333365c6287b5a6' ) #prepare() {} #No Build required #build() {} #check() {} package() { cd "${srcdir}"/${pkgname}-${pkgver} # Create directories with permissions install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb install -dm700 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/benchmarks install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin install -dm700 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/config install -dm700 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/databases install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/lib install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/log install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/plugins install -dm700 "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/www # Recursively copy files cp -r . "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb # Add the improved systemd server management scripts install -m700 "${srcdir}"/server2.sh "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin install -m700 "${srcdir}"/shutdown2.sh "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin # Set permissions on the executables # --no World permissions are intended, so namcap errors can be ignored. install -m700 bin/*.sh "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin/ install -m755 bin/console.sh "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin/ # Remove DOS bat files find "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb -type f -name "*.bat" -exec rm -f {} \; # Empty dirs for Install - namcap errors can be ignored. install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin install -d "${pkgdir}"/var/log/orientdb install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system # Instead of a patch sed -i 's/cd `dirname $0`/#cd `dirname $0`/' "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin/console.sh sed -i 's|\.\./log|/opt/orientdb/log|' "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/config/orientdb-server-log.properties sed -i 's|YOUR_ORIENTDB_INSTALLATION_PATH|/opt/orientdb|' "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin/orientdb.sh sed -i 's|USER_YOU_WANT_ORIENTDB_RUN_WITH|orient|' "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin/orientdb.sh #Prevent server.sh being run from root sed -i '/PRG="$0"/a if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]] ; then echo "" ; echo "Please do not try to start Orientdb Server as root." ; exit 1 ; fi' "${pkgdir}"/opt/orientdb/bin/server.sh install -m644 "${srcdir}"/orientdb.service "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/ }