#!/bin/bash # Above shabeng-line for automatic switch-on of syntax highlighing in some editors. # Maintainer: dreieck, oid )underscore) maps |at| airpost (dot) net. _pkgname="pdf-append" pkgname="${_pkgname}" pkgver="0.3" pkgrel="2" pkgdesc="Combines an arbitrary amount of pdf documents into one by appending the documents one after another." arch=('any') depends=( 'bash' 'pdftk' ) makedepends=( ) optdepends=( ) license=( 'custom' ) ### !!! IMPORTANT: Do not change the order of the entries in the 'source'-array. The entries here are used to determine the names of the source-files in the 'package'-function, and a fixed order is assumed. ### source=( 'pdf-append.sh' # The name of the source file of the executable is expected to be at ${source[0]}. Do not change that order. See 'package'-function. 'license.txt' # The name of the source file of the license is expected to be at ${source[1]}. Do not change that order. See 'package'-function. ) sha512sums=( '152bfe65fe66e13713c8ec648b1ca3b3693c33d7a58f32947d3095a6fc6d9e379d406fe002ed06a3a895e7582527db2473b6fe6dc9c7896a079c813b25d90f96' '46f9bc2d587b31b971a31dfcb77710821275cf4678c6116f3cebe62afa86f5431128d4e46c343d89c626f1aa5298218c115e64ea0723e35046b04ca98b16c5ac' ) package() { _executablesourcefilename="${source[0]}" _licensesourcefilename="${source[1]}" _executabletargetfilename="${_pkgname}" _licensetargetfilename="${_licensesourcefilename}" _licensetargetgenericfilename="COPYING" _instdir='/usr/bin' _instdir_pkgdir="${pkgdir}${_instdir}" _licensedir="/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" _licensedir_pkgdir="${pkgdir}${_licensedir}" install -D -g root -m 755 -o root -p -v "${srcdir}/${_executablesourcefilename}" "${_instdir_pkgdir}/${_executabletargetfilename}" install -D -g root -m 644 -o root -p -v "${srcdir}/${_licensesourcefilename}" "${_licensedir_pkgdir}/${_licensetargetfilename}" cd "${_licensedir_pkgdir}" && ln -sv "${_licensetargetfilename}" "${_licensetargetgenericfilename}" }