# Maintainer: Peter Pickford # Contributor: Peter Pickford # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et ft=sh tw=100: expandtab _author=Y/YE/YENYA _perlmod=Modem-Vgetty _oldver=0.03 pkgname=perl-modem-vgetty pkgver=0.04 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='The Modem::Vgetty module is a Perl interface to the vgetty program, which can be used for communication with the voice modems.' arch=('any') url="http://search.cpan.org/~yenya/Modem-Vgetty" license=('GPL' 'PerlArtistic') groups=() depends=( perl ) makedepends=( perl ) optdepends=() provides=( perl-modem-vgetty ) conflicts=() replaces=() backup=() options=(!emptydirs) install= source=("http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/$_author/$_perlmod-$_oldver.tar.gz" 'vocp-0.04.patch' ) noextract=() build(){ cd "$srcdir/$_perlmod-$_oldver" patch -Np0 -i ../../vocp-0.04.patch || return 1 # Install module in vendor directories. PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor make } check(){ cd "$srcdir/$_perlmod-$_oldver" make test } package(){ cd "$srcdir/$_perlmod-$_oldver" make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" # remove perllocal.pod and .packlist find "$pkgdir" -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod -delete } md5sums=('351bb0a027dc6dc9552ead80386e57d3' '58aa8ef45d6f4c926430494ae7146402')