# Maintainer: Thomas Booker # Contributor: Philip Goto pkgname=phoc pkgver=0.21.0.beta1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='#BROKEN USE phoc-embedded-wlroots# A pure Wayland shell prototype for GNOME on mobile devices' arch=(x86_64 aarch64 armv7h) url='https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phoc' license=(GPL3) depends=( gnome-desktop wlroots ) makedepends=( meson git ) _tag=ebc6d1d5a2acdc243af3c9237ac09bcdd8f727f2 source=("git+${url}.git#tag=${_tag}") sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd phoc git describe --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/_/./' } # We don't use the wlroots submodule so we don't need to init and update the submodules build() { arch-meson phoc _build -Dembed-wlroots=disabled -Dtests=false meson compile -C _build } package() { DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" meson install -C _build }