# $Id: PKGBUILD 207902 2017-01-18 18:02:20Z pierre $ # # Maintainer: Michael Rynn # Contributor: Sergej Pupykin # Contributor: Jonathan Wiersma # Contributor: Thore Bödecker # # Credit to all other past PHP version AUR packages php_suffix="70" # This mutation php_ext="xdebug" pkgname="php${php_suffix}-${php_ext}" pkgver="2.5.0" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="PHP extension module that aids debugging and profiling" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.xdebug.org" license=('GPL') depends=("php${php_suffix}") pkg_src="${php_ext}-${pkgver}" source=("https://www.xdebug.org/files/${pkg_src}.tgz" 'xdebug.ini') sha256sums=('8bd6ad1e64948308e3e3a7437292f154b11e25acaf31b0d59d83bda18af0890d' '7c66883dc2ade69069ef84e30188b25630748aa9c8b0dd123727c00505421205') # locate php-config[suffix], get options # xdebug build uses phpize[suffix] php_select() { declare -a php_configy # paths # pass a folder to be searched for any php-config* findconfig() { local _myglob="$1/php-config${php_suffix}*" for f in $_myglob; do if [ "$f" != "$_myglob" ]; then php_configy+=("$f") fi done } binpath="${PATH}" re='([^:]+):(.*)' while [[ $binpath =~ $re ]] do bindir="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" binpath="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" findconfig $bindir done if [[ -n $binpath ]]; then findconfig $binpath fi # see how many we have optct="${#php_configy[@]}" # if only one, do automatic?? if [[ $optct -lt "1" ]]; then echo "No php-config* found" exit -1 elif [[ $optct -eq "1" ]]; then php_config="${php_configy[0]}" else declare -a php_options # assemble user menu optct=0 php_options+=("0) Get me out of here!") for cfg in "${php_configy[@]}"; do let optct='((optct+1))' PHP_FULL_VERSION=`${cfg} --version` php_options+=("${optct}) ${cfg} (php-${PHP_FULL_VERSION})") done echo echo "More than one php-config found. Select:" echo for opt in "${php_options[@]}"; do echo $opt done echo read -p "Which php-config do you want? " choice numbers='[0-9]+$' if ! [[ "${choice}" =~ $numbers ]]; then echo "bye" exit fi if [[ ( "${choice}" -gt "$optct" ) || ( "${choice}" -lt "1" ) ]]; then echo "OK" exit fi let choice='((choice-1))' php_config="${php_configy[$choice]}" fi #get some config options, assumable from php70 all_options=`${php_config} --configure-options` declare -A config_options # AA for key lookup attre='--([^=]+)=(.*)' for option in $all_options; do [[ $option =~ $attre ]] && vname="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" && nvalue="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" config_options[$vname]=$nvalue done # export so makepkg remembers. PHP-build dependent export PHPCONFIG_SCANDIR="${config_options[with-config-file-scan-dir]#/*}" export PHPIZE_CMD="phpize${config_options[program-suffix]}" export PHPCONFIG_CMD="${php_config}" } prepare() { echo "PHPIZE path is ${PHPIZE_CMD}" echo "PHP scan directory is $PHPCONFIG_SCANDIR" } build() { cd "$srcdir"/$pkg_src "$PHPIZE_CMD" echo "Using php-config=${PHPCONFIG_CMD}" ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-xdebug --with-php-config="${PHPCONFIG_CMD}" make cd "$srcdir"/$pkg_src/debugclient ./configure --prefix=/usr --program-suffix="$_pkg_suffix" make } package() { backup=("${PHPCONFIG_SCANDIR}/xdebug.ini") cd "$srcdir"/$pkg_src/debugclient make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install cd "$srcdir"/$pkg_src make INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir" install install -D -m 644 "$srcdir"/xdebug.ini "$pkgdir/${PHPCONFIG_SCANDIR}/xdebug.ini" } # Run this before the backup file variables get evaluated if [[ -z $PHPIZE_CMD ]]; then php_select fi