# Maintainer: Daniel Bermond < yahoo-com: danielbermond > # This package provides pngcrush bundled with libpng and zlib. # The pngcrush provided in [community] repository uses libpng and zlib from system libraries. # # Advantages of having pngcrush bundled with libpng and zlib: # - produces slightly smaller PNG files # - ability to read erroneous PNG files with "Too many IDAT's" # - avoids warnings when pngcrush is not yet rebuild or updated after a libpng/zlib update # # Disadvantages of having pngcrush bundled with libpng and zlib: # - slightly slower execution # - higher pngcrush executable filesize _srcname=pngcrush pkgname=pngcrush-bundled pkgver=1.8.11 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='A tool for optimizing the compression of PNG files (with bundled libpng and zlib)' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://pmt.sourceforge.net/pngcrush/' license=('custom') depends=('glibc') provides=('pngcrush') conflicts=('pngcrush') source=("https://sourceforge.net/projects/pmt/files/pngcrush/${pkgver}/pngcrush-${pkgver}.tar.xz") sha256sums=('8d530328650ec82f3cbe998729ada8347eb3dbbdf706d9021c5786144d18f5b0') prepare() { cd "${_srcname}-${pkgver}" sed -r 's|^(CPPFLAGS )=|\1+=|' -i Makefile sed -r 's|^(CFLAGS )=|\1+=|' -i Makefile sed -r 's|^(LDFLAGS )=|\1+=|' -i Makefile } build() { cd "${_srcname}-${pkgver}" make } package() { cd "${_srcname}-${pkgver}" # install pngcrush executable install -D -m755 pngcrush "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pngcrush" # create a LICENSE file for pngcrush. Note: license is in the file 'pngcrush.c' sed -n '10,159p' pngcrush.c > LICENSE-pngcrush # create file sed -i '1,150s/^.\{,3\}//' LICENSE-pngcrush # erase C comments # modify sections in cexcept, libpng and zlib to reflect the provided LICENSE files sed -i '80s/lines 10/LICENSE-cexcept./' LICENSE-pngcrush sed -i -e '81d' LICENSE-pngcrush sed -i "84s/If libpng/libpng/" LICENSE-pngcrush sed -i "84s/,/ and/" LICENSE-pngcrush sed -i "85s/png.h/LICENSE-libpng/" LICENSE-pngcrush sed -i "89s/If zlib/zlib/" LICENSE-pngcrush sed -i "89s/,/ and/" LICENSE-pngcrush sed -i "91s/zlib.h/LICENSE-zlib/" LICENSE-pngcrush sed -i '1ipngcrush' LICENSE-pngcrush # include software name at the top sed -i '2i\\' LICENSE-pngcrush # insert blank line after # create a LICENSE file for cexcept. Note: license is in the file 'cexcept.h' sed -n '10,17p' cexcept.h > LICENSE-cexcept # create file sed -i '1,8s/^.\{,4\}//' LICENSE-cexcept # erase leading spaces sed -i '1icexcept' LICENSE-cexcept # include software name at the top sed -i '2i\\' LICENSE-cexcept # insert blank line after # create a LICENSE file for libpng (note: license is in the file 'png.h') sed -n '21,109p' png.h > LICENSE-libpng # create file sed -i '1,89s/^.\{,3\}//' LICENSE-libpng # erase C comments sed -i '1ilibpng' LICENSE-libpng # include software name at the top sed -i '2i\\' LICENSE-libpng # insert blank line after # create a LICENSE file for zlib (note: license is in the file 'zlib.h') sed -n '4,28p' zlib.h > LICENSE-zlib # create file sed -i '1,25s/^.\{,2\}//' LICENSE-zlib # erase leading spaces sed -i '1izlib' LICENSE-zlib # include software name at the top sed -i '2i\\' LICENSE-zlib # insert blank line after # install LICENSE files install -D -m644 LICENSE-pngcrush "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE-pngcrush" install -D -m644 LICENSE-cexcept "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE-cexcept" install -D -m644 LICENSE-libpng "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE-libpng" install -D -m644 LICENSE-zlib "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE-zlib" }