# $Id$ # Maintainer: Y. , based on the work of: # Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin # Maintainer: Ido Rosen # Contributor: Ross Whitfield # Contributor: Mateusz Paluszkiewcz # Contributor: Christopher Reimer pkgname=poco178 pkgver=1.7.8_p3 _pkgver=${pkgver/_/} pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="C++ class libraries for network-centric, portable applications, complete edition with debug libraries" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.pocoproject.org/" license=('custom:boost') depends=('libmariadbclient' 'openssl' 'unixodbc') makedepends=('cmake') source=("http://pocoproject.org/releases/poco-${_pkgver%p?}/poco-${_pkgver}-all.tar.bz2") sha256sums=('23f2ae2dd373cade48b393b6e440ebc75ecff50f4d37c0cfa80b7723904386b6') build() { cd "${srcdir}/poco-${_pkgver}-all" mkdir -p build cd build cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ .. make } package() { cd "${srcdir}/poco-${_pkgver}-all"/build make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install install -Dm644 '../LICENSE' "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/poco/LICENSE" # Old version! Do not conflict with the current version cd "${pkgdir}" for old in usr/bin/* usr/include/Poco usr/lib/cmake/Poco usr/share/licenses/poco; do mv $old{,-$_pkgver} done rm -f usr/lib/*.so }