# Maintainer: Fabian pkgname=pokemon-revolution-online-bin pkgver=0.94.20160327 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A free-to-play, fan-made, MMO game that is predicated around the official Pokémon games." arch=('x86_64') url="http://pokemon-revolution-online.net" license=('custom') depends=('gcc-libs-multilib') optdepends=('gtk2: required for the Unity ScreenSelector plugin') conflicts=('pokemon-revolution-online') changelog="change.log" source=('http://tiny.cc/PROLinux' 'net.pokemon-revolution-online.desktop' 'change.log' 'pokemonrevolution' 'copyright' 'pokemonrevolution.svg') md5sums=('4ca6f28da8d25670ac4b13146dd38a3c' '3215173b6f1673d868e71f1d953ed9d2' 'd791b50b1432a9dd8ca5e342e03a991c' '1b667f450341675b6b2c1750e034516c' '0efcd0393015ff149217f9ced4670513' '8446ead3097e1b87e3a63b667d956569') package() { cd "${srcdir}" # Variables ## i know this isnt a good thing and nobody wants to see this on aur, but itll make things easier for me #Fabian ## directory files naming is usually VNAMING_Date, binary VNAMING.x86_64 __VNAMING="PROLinux64_94" # CREATE FOLDERS ## copy the folderstructure of the original without content. /usr/bin/find "." -type d -exec \ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/opt/Pokemon Revolution/{}" \; # MOVE CONTENT ## minimize memory usage by using mv instead of install ## this also fits more in our "permissions" to use it hashtag copyright, hashtag do NOT modify anything /usr/bin/find "./${__VNAMING}_Data" \ -type f -exec /usr/bin/mv "{}" "${pkgdir}/opt/Pokemon Revolution/{}" \; -exec /usr/bin/chmod 644 "${pkgdir}/opt/Pokemon Revolution/{}" \; ## move to new position /usr/bin/mv "${srcdir}/${__VNAMING}.x86_64" "${pkgdir}/opt/Pokemon Revolution/${__VNAMING}.x86_64" ## set permission /usr/bin/chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/opt/Pokemon Revolution/${__VNAMING}.x86_64" #MOVE ICON ## cause we can not use the iroginal icon, we use a *.svg version. install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/pokemonrevolution.svg" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/pokemonrevolution.svg" # DESKTOP FILE ## Set the path to our pokemon scriptfile /usr/bin/sed -i "s/GAMEEXECPATHSETBYPKGBUILD/\/usr\/bin\/pokemonrevolution/" "${srcdir}/net.pokemon-revolution-online.desktop" ## let's Install the *.desktop file install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/net.pokemon-revolution-online.desktop" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/net.pokemon-revolution-online.desktop" # START SCRIPT ## set the correct directory /usr/bin/sed -i "s/GAMEDIRNAMESETBYPKGBUILD/\/opt\/Pokemon\ Revolution/" "${srcdir}/pokemonrevolution" ## set the correct filename /usr/bin/sed -i "s/GAMEBINARYNAMESETBYPKGBUILD/${__VNAMING}.x86_64/" "${srcdir}/pokemonrevolution" ## move it! install -D -m755 "${srcdir}/pokemonrevolution" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pokemonrevolution" # COPYRIGHT FILE ## move the copyright text install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/copyright" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/pokemon-revolution-online/copyright" # RM PROLinux ## lets remove the zip file since it'll save some space and we dont need it anymore rm ../PROLinux }