# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et ft=sh tw=100: expandtab # Maintainer: Piotr Rogoża # Contributor: Piotr Rogoża pkgname=poly2tri-c-git pkgver=p2tc. pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A C library for generating constrained delaunay triangulations and refining them.' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='https://code.google.com/p/poly2tri-c/' license=('GPL') depends=(glib2) makedepends=(git) provides=(poly2tri-c) options=(!libtool) _gitroot='https://code.google.com/p/poly2tri-c/' _gitname='poly2tri-c' pkgver() { if [ -d "$srcdir"/$_gitname ]; then cd "$srcdir"/$_gitname git describe --always | sed 's|-|.|g' fi } build(){ cd "$srcdir" msg2 "Connecting to GIT server...." if [ -d ${_gitname}/.git ] ; then cd $_gitname git pull origin msg2 "The local files are updated." else git clone $_gitroot $_gitname cd $_gitname fi msg2 "GIT checkout done or server timeout" msg2 "Starting make" #./configure --prefix=/usr ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr make } package(){ cd "$srcdir"/$_gitname msg2 "Starting make install" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install }