# Maintainer: Que Quotion pkgname=pt3-drv pkgver=2009.03.07 pkgrel=2 install=pt3-drv.install pkgdesc="Japanese Driver for Earthsoft PT3 cards" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('GPL') depends=('b25') #makedepends=() groups=('earthsoft') url="http://eco.senritu.net/ubuntu13-10-pt3-epgrec/" source=(git+https://github.com/m-tsudo/pt3.git thatfix) sha256sums=('SKIP' 'b5f56cfaa69b455f4e87129bbcc5a3359dcee6bbca4e1f08f8e06be9704c3183') #pkgver() { # # remove ".r*.*" from package version # _pkgverTriple=$(echo $pkgver | sed "s/\.r.*//g") # cd $pkgname # # get number of last git commit # _commitCount=$(git rev-list --count HEAD) # # get time of last git commit # _commitTime=$(git show -s --format="%ci" | grep -o "....-..-.." | sed "s/-//g") # # add ".r*.*" from package version # echo "$_pkgverTriple.r$_commitCount.$_commitTime" #} prepare() { cd pt3/ patch -Np2 < ../thatfix } build() { cd pt3/ make } package() { cd pt3/ mkdir -m755 -p "${pkgdir}/etc/udev/rules.d/" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install_compress mkdir -m755 -p "${pkgdir}/etc/modprobe.d/" echo "blacklist earth-pt3" >> pt3-blacklist.conf install -m644 pt3-blacklist.conf "${pkgdir}/etc/modprobe.d/pt3-blacklist.conf" }