# Maintainer : Kr1ss $(echo \|sed s/\+/./g\;s/\-/@/) # Contributor : Phil Schaf ##################################################################################################### ## NOTE: Removing python2 as mandatory makedep; if you want to have a precomiled Python 2 debugger ## ## packaged, make sure that `python2-setuptools` is installed _before_ building this package. ## ##################################################################################################### pkgname=pycharm-community-eap _buildver=213.6777.8 _pkgver=2021.3.2 _eap=y pkgver="$_pkgver.$_buildver" pkgrel=1 epoch=12 pkgdesc='Powerful Python and Django IDE, Early Access Program (EAP) build, Community Edition' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url=http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm license=('Apache') provides=('pycharm-community-edition') conflicts=('pycharm-community-edition') makedepends=('cython' 'python-setuptools') # 'python2-setuptools' depends=('python' 'glib2' 'dbus' 'libdbusmenu-glib') optdepends=('python2: Support for Python 2 language' 'ipython: Alternative Python shell' 'ipython2: Alternative Python 2 shell') options=('!strip') _filever="$([ $_eap = y ] && echo -n $_buildver || echo -n $_pkgver)" source=("https://download.jetbrains.com/python/pycharm-community-$_filever.tar.gz") sha256sums=($(curl -s "https://download.jetbrains.com/python/pycharm-community-$_filever.tar.gz.sha256" | cut -d' ' -f1)) prepare() { if [ -d "pycharm-community-$_pkgver" ]; then mv pycharm-community-{"$_pkgver","$_buildver"} fi cd "pycharm-community-$_buildver/bin" local _vmoptfile for _vmoptfile in pycharm{,64}.vmoptfile; do echo $'-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on\n-Dswing.aatext=true' >>"$_vmoptfile" done if [ "$CARCH" = i686 ]; then rm fsnotifier64 libdbm64.so fi } build() { cd "pycharm-community-$_buildver/plugins/python-ce/helpers/pydev" # compile PyDev debugger used by PyCharm to speedup debugging find . \( -name *.c -o -name *.so -o -name *.pyd \) -delete sed -i '1s/^/# cython: language_level=3\n/' _pydevd_bundle/pydevd_cython.pxd # use absolute paths to the python executables so that users with an activated virtual env # (like e.g. anaconda) can build without issues /usr/bin/python setup_cython.py build_ext --inplace --force-cython if [ -z "$(pacman -T python2-setuptools)" ]; then # only compile the py2-debugger if `python2-setuptools’ is already installed /usr/bin/python2 setup_cython.py build_ext --inplace fi rm -rf build/ find . -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} \; } package() { install -dm755 "$pkgdir"/{opt,usr/{bin,share/pixmaps}} cp -R "pycharm-community-$_buildver" "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname" local _vmoptfile=pycharm64 if [[ "$CARCH" = i686 ]]; then rm -f "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/bin/libyjpagent-linux64.so" rm -f "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/bin/fsnotifier64" _vmoptfile=pycharm fi echo $'-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on\n-Dswing.aatext=true' >>"$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/bin/$_vmoptfile.vmoptions" install -Dm755 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop" <<-EOF [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=PyCharm Community EAP Exec=/opt/$pkgname/bin/pycharm.sh %f Icon=pycharm Comment=$pkgdesc Categories=Development;IDE; Terminal=false StartupNotify=true StartupWMClass=jetbrains-pycharm-ce EOF ln -sfv "/opt/$pkgname/bin/pycharm.png" "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/pycharm.png" install -Dm755 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/bin/pycharm-ce" <<-EOF #!/bin/sh exec "/opt/$pkgname/bin/pycharm.sh" EOF } # vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ft=PKGBUILD: