# Contributor: xsmile # Maintainer: max-k pkgname=pydio pkgver=8.0.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Sync & share solution, formerly AjaXplorer' arch=('any') url='https://pydio.com' license=('AGPL3') depends=('php>=5.5.9' 'php-gd>=5.5.9' 'php-intl>=5.5.9' 'php-mcrypt>=5.5.9') optdepends=('mariadb: MySQL database back end' 'php-apcu: to use caching' 'php-imap: to browse mailboxes over IMAP and POP3 (access.imap)' 'libssh2: to manage files over SFTP (access.sftp)' 'pecl-ssh2: to manage files over SFTP (access.sftp)' 'smbclient: to mount SAMBA shares (access.smb)' 'zip: to create and modify zipfiles (action.powerfs)' 'ghostscript: to generate thumbnails (editor.imagick)' 'imagemagick: to generate thumbnails (editor.imagick)' 'librsync: to compute checksums/deltas and apply patches using rdiff (meta.filehasher)' 'pecl-rsync: to compute checksums/deltas and apply patches using rdiff (meta.filehasher)' 'git: to use Git-based versioning (meta.git)' 'pear-versioncontrol-git: to use Git-based versioning (meta.git)' 'udevil: to mount filesystems (meta.mount)') options=('!strip') install="${pkgname}.install" _srcbase="https://download.${pkgname}.com/pub/core/archives" source=("${_srcbase}/${pkgname}-core-${pkgver}.tar.gz" "${pkgname}.install") md5sums=('dec59043f7818ee3a1dad338f46e473a' '70d858a897b7add73d7554bb47f1ff6a') package() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-core-${pkgver}" local _INSTDIR="${pkgdir}/usr/share/webapps/${pkgname}" install -d "${_INSTDIR}" cp -r .htaccess core plugins *.php robots.txt "${_INSTDIR}/" local _CONFDIR="${pkgdir}/etc/webapps/${pkgname}" install -d "${_CONFDIR}" cp -r conf/* "${_CONFDIR}/" ln -s "/etc/webapps/${pkgname}" "${_INSTDIR}/conf" local _DATADIR="${pkgdir}/var/lib/${pkgname}" install -d "${_DATADIR}" cp -r data/* "${_DATADIR}/" ln -s "/var/lib/${pkgname}" "${_INSTDIR}/data" chgrp -R 33 "${_DATADIR}" chmod -R 770 "${_DATADIR}" local _DOCDIR="${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" install -d "${_DOCDIR}" install -Dm644 *.sample "${_DOCDIR}/" }