# Maintainer: Techcable pkgname=python-columnize pkgver=0.3.11 pkgrel=1 epoch= pkgdesc="Python module to align a simple (not nested) list in columns." arch=("any") url="https://github.com/rocky/pycolumnize" license=('MIT') groups=() depends=() makedepends=("python-setuptools") checkdepends=("python-mock" "python-pytest" "python-pytest-cov") backup=() # Anything we need to backup? options=() install= changelog= # NOTE: Unfortunately 0.3.11 was released with an incorrect tag as 3.11 # # TODO: Fix this once (or if) upstream fixes it wrong_pkgver=3.11 source=("columnize-${pkgver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/rocky/pycolumnize/archive/refs/tags/${wrong_pkgver}.tar.gz") sha256sums=('dbcb3fc33f93da7d34542e7cd649f513cbe3cae7ad23f797c97499fc4ccba91e') prepare() { true; # Nothing to do I guess } build() { cd "pycolumnize-$wrong_pkgver" python3 ./setup.py build; } check() { cd "pycolumnize-$wrong_pkgver" PYTHONPATH="." pytest test; } package() { cd "pycolumnize-$wrong_pkgver" python setup.py install --root="$pkgdir/" --prefix="/usr" }