# Maintainer: Joshua Taillon # Maintainer: Jonas Lähnemann # Python package author: The HyperSpy developers _pkgname=python-hyperspy pkgname=$_pkgname-git _gitname=hyperspy pkgver=1.7.0.dev0.742a95fec pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Multidimensional data analysis toolbox (next minor version branch)" arch=(any) url="http://hyperspy.org" license=("GPL3") makedepends=("git" "python" "python-setuptools") depends=('python' 'python-scipy' 'python-matplotlib' 'python-numpy' 'python-traits' 'python-natsort' 'python-requests' 'python-tqdm' 'python-sympy' 'python-h5py' 'python-dateutil' 'python-dask' 'python-pint' 'python-statsmodels' 'python-numexpr' 'python-pyaml' 'python-ptable' 'python-dill' # AUR 'python-ipyparallel' # AUR 'python-scikit-image' # AUR # 'python-imageio' # AUR (from scikit-image) # 'python-pywavelets' # AUR (from scikit-image) # 'python-tifffile' # AUR (from scikit-image) 'python-sparse' # AUR # 'python-numba' # AUR (from python-sparse) # 'python-llvmlite' # AUR (from python-numba) 'python-llvmlite-bin' # AUR (from python-numba, but require bin package to avoid version mismatches) ) optdepends=('python-scikit-learn: machine learning features' 'python-hyperspy-gui-ipywidgets: GUI components for Jupyter' # AUR 'python-hyperspy-gui-traitsui: GUI components for desktop' # AUR 'python-blosc: mrcz file support' 'cython: enables acceleration of certain operations (must be installed at package build time)' ) provides=('python-hyperspy') conflicts=('python-hyperspy') source=("git+https://github.com/hyperspy/hyperspy.git#branch=RELEASE_next_minor") sha512sums=("SKIP") pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}/" rel_ver=$(grep -E "^version" ${_gitname}/Release.py | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d \") commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) echo "${rel_ver}.${commit}" } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}/" python setup.py install --root="$pkgdir/" --optimize=1 }