# Maintainer: Arnaud Joset pkgname=python-rplidar-git pkgver=20170721 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Simple and lightweight module for working with RPLidar laser scanners" arch=(any) url="https://github.com/SkoltechRobotics/rplidar.git" license=('MIT') depends=('python') makedepends=('git') options=(!emptydirs) optdepends=('') conflicts=('python-rplidar') _gitroot="https://github.com/SkoltechRobotics/rplidar.git" _gitname="rplidar" package() { cd "$srcdir" msg "Connecting to GIT server...." if [ -d $_gitname ] ; then cd $_gitname && git pull origin msg "The local files are updated." else git clone $_gitroot $_gitname fi msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout" cd "$srcdir/$_gitname/" # make sure UNICODE characters in the README are parsed correctly export LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf-8 python setup.py install --root="$pkgdir/" --optimize=1 }