#Contributor: Hector Mtz-Seara pkgname=pyzo pkgver=4.4.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Pyzo is a cross-platform Python IDE focused on interactivity and introspection, which makes it very suitable for scientific computing." url="http://pyzo.org" license=("BSD") arch=('any') depends=('python-pyzolib') replaces=('iep') conflicts=('iep') optdepends=( 'python-pyqt4: At least one qt4 python bindings should be installed' 'python-pyside: At lease one qt4 python bindings should be installed' ) makedepends=('python-setuptools') source=("https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/archive/v${pkgver}.tar.gz") sha1sums=('0599c645b5428d9074788836179623ba35b9322a') build(){ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" python setup.py build } package(){ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" python setup.py install --root="${pkgdir}/" --optimize=1 --skip-build # Remove left over directories from distribute utils. find ${pkgdir} -type d -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -r {} \; -prune # Install application launcher cat > ${pkgname}.desktop < ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname} <