# Maintainer: Xavion pkgname=q7z _filename_=Q7Z pkgver=0.9.1 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="An alternative 7-Zip GUI - replaced by the 'j7z' package" arch=("any") url="http://${_filename_}.Xavion.name" license=("LGPL3") depends=("pyqt" "p7zip" "tar") optdepends=("p7zip-gui: The GUI component of P7Zip" "xz-utils: Supports XZ archives" "bzip2: Supports BZip2 archives" "gzip: Supports GZip archives") conflicts=("k7z") replaces=("k7z") install="${_filename_}.install" source=(http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/k7z/${_filename_}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2) build() { cd "${srcdir}"/${_filename_}/Build # Messages warning "This application was replaced by J7Z; you should use the 'j7z' package instead." read -p "==> QUESTION: Do you wish to continue building this package despite its deprecated status? [y/N] " -n 1 if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo "" return 1 fi #make uninstall #make clean make } package() { cd "${srcdir}"/${_filename_}/Build make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install # Messages msg "Seek further information or send feedback via the 'Help' menu." } sha1sums=('d6571cd7fe5acdb7863d50dad6700feefc534276')