# Maintainer: # Contributor: Viktor Drobot (aka dviktor) linux776 [at] gmail [dot] com # Contributor: Grey Christoforo _cranname=rlang _cranver=1.1.1 pkgname=r-${_cranname,,} pkgdesc="Functions for Base Types and Core R and ‘Tidyverse’ Features" url="https://cran.r-project.org/package=${_cranname}" license=("MIT") pkgver=${_cranver//[:-]/.} pkgrel=1 arch=("i686" "x86_64") depends=( "r>=3.5.0" ) optdepends=( "r-cli>=3.1.0" "r-covr" "r-crayon" "r-fs" "r-glue" "r-knitr" "r-magrittr" "r-pillar" "r-rmarkdown" "r-tibble" "r-usethis" "r-vctrs>=0.2.3" "r-withr" ) # The unittests for `r-rlang` have multiple circular # dependency chains. # As such, the tests can not be run on first build. # While R packages from CRAN, generally, are well-tested # before they are released, in some situations, you want to # have thorough testing on your own end. # To run the tests, first build this package without `check()` # (i.e., as-is) to bootstrap `r-rlang`. Then, on subsequent builds, # (assumining you have a local repository that is accessible from # the build chroot), uncomment the lines defining `checkdepends`, below, # as well as the `check()` function further down # checkdepends=( # "${optdepends[@]}" # "r-testthat>=3.0.0" # ) source=("https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/${_cranname}_${_cranver}.tar.gz") b2sums=("8846a8c997098fdb5805e2f0ed466bc35ff46d32a44dd4d844b0840d122a9732075c8f0e19f28bb7aaccc7001d3a2180df30cf7facd23a31059a6a6c2fa0279b") build() { mkdir -p "${srcdir}/build/" R CMD INSTALL ${_cranname}_${_cranver}.tar.gz -l "${srcdir}/build/" } # check() { # export R_LIBS="build/" # R CMD check --no-manual "${_cranname}" # } package() { install -dm0755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/R/library" cp -a --no-preserve=ownership "${srcdir}/build/${_cranname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/R/library" if [[ -f "${_cranname}/LICENSE" ]]; then install -Dm0644 "${_cranname}/LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" fi }