# system requirements: V8 engine version 6+ is needed for ES6 and WASMsupport. On Linux you can also build against libv8-dev (Debian)or v8-devel (Fedora). We also provide static libv8 binaries formost platforms, see the README for details. # Maintainer: Guoyi Zhang # Contributor: Robert Greener # Contributor: Viktor Drobot (aka dviktor) linux776 [at] gmail [dot] com _pkgname=V8 _pkgver=4.3.1 pkgname=r-${_pkgname,,} pkgver=4.3.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for R' arch=('x86_64') url="https://cran.r-project.org/package=${_pkgname}" license=('MIT') depends=( r r-curl r-jsonlite r-rcpp nodejs ) optdepends=( r-knitr r-rmarkdown r-testthat ) source=("https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/${_pkgname}_${_pkgver}.tar.gz") sha256sums=('06d9c8ea5a7e09401cf6534f125a0b815c2e8cdbb57e27720d4202de3f19858e') prepare() { # build with system nodejs sed -i '11,12d' ${_pkgname}/configure sed -i '11i PKG_LIBS="-lnode"\nPKG_CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/node"' ${_pkgname}/configure } build() { mkdir -p build R CMD INSTALL ${_pkgname} -l build } package() { install -dm0755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/R/library" cp -a --no-preserve=ownership "build/${_pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/R/library" install -Dm644 "${_pkgname}/LICENSE" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: