# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # Contributor: M.Carreira set -u pkgname='raider' pkgver='0.13.2' pkgrel='1' pkgdesc='Converts a single linux system disk in to a software raid 1, 4, 5, 6 or 10' arch=('any') url='http://raider.sourceforge.net/' license=('GPL2') depends=('mdadm>=2.6' 'parted>=2.0' 'bash>=3.0' 'coreutils' 'util-linux' 'hdparm' 'rsync' 'inetutils' 'bc' 'wget') install="${pkgname}.install" changelog='ChangeLog' source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz") sha256sums=('b5a726c44be96e3834c42f8b6df4031f23720f0f39693be45c47f4f15d3244dd') package() { set -u cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" install -Dpm755 'src/lib'/* -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/raider/" install -Dpm755 'src/bin'/* -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" sed -i -e 's:^#!/bin/bash$:#!/usr/bin/bash:g' "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/raider"/* "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/* sed -i -e 's: /bin/bash: /usr/bin/bash:g' "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/raider/step2" install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/raider" install -dm777 "${pkgdir}/var/log/raider" install -Dpm644 'AUTHORS' 'COPYING' 'ChangeLog' 'FAQ' 'INSTALL' 'README' 'TODO' -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" set +u # Ensure there are no forbidden paths. Place at the end of package() and comment out as you find or need exceptions. (git-aurcheck) ! test -d "${pkgdir}/bin" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /bin"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/sbin" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /sbin"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/lib" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /lib"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/share" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /share"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/usr/sbin" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /usr/sbin"; false; } ! test -d "${pkgdir}/usr/local" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /usr/local"; false; } # Only in ChangeLog #! grep -lr "/sbin" "${pkgdir}" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /sbin"; false; } ! grep -lr "/usr/tmp" "${pkgdir}" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /usr/tmp"; false; } ! grep -lr "/usr/local" "${pkgdir}" || { echo "Line ${LINENO} Forbidden: /usr/local"; false; } ! pcre2grep -Ilr "(?