# Maintainer: Federico Cuello pkgname=redmine pkgver=4.0.0 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="A flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails, it is cross-platform and cross-database." arch=('any') url="https://www.redmine.org" license=('GPL2') #makedepends=('glibc' 'dialog') depends=('ruby>=2.2.2') optdepends=('rvm: a command line tool to easily manage multiple Ruby environments' 'rbenv: another command line tool to easily manage multiple Ruby environments' 'apache: a supported application server' 'nginx: a supported application server' 'tomcat7: a supported application server' 'tomcat8: a supported application server' 'mariadb: MariaDB database support' 'mysql: MySQL database support' 'postgresql: PostgreSQL database support' 'git: Git repository browsing' 'subversion: Subversion repository browsing' 'darcs: Darcs repository browsing' 'bzr: Bazaar repository browsing' 'mercurial: Mercurial repository browsing' 'cvs: CVS repository browsing' 'imagemagick: Image export support for Gantt' 'ruby-rails: alternative Ruby on Rails instalation') backup=('usr/share/webapps/redmine/config/configuration.yml' 'usr/share/webapps/redmine/config/additional_environment.rb' 'usr/share/webapps/redmine/config/database.yml') source=("$url/releases/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz") sha512sums=('8ea38803c03b239b0a617619197fb1c553a7512f7c90acf33ae1b1b605cc2556b402b9f033677bdad4ba4efeb3c18bf3855f749a4d5fb82b07e846b9b0acecde') package() { _instdir="$pkgdir"/usr/share/webapps/redmine cd "$srcdir"/redmine-$pkgver # Install in /usr/share/webapps install -dm 644 "$_instdir" cp -dr --no-preserve=ownership . "$_instdir" # Create required directories install -dm 644 "$_instdir"/public/plugin_assets install -dm 644 "$_instdir"/tmp/pdf install -dm 644 "$_instdir"/files install -dm 644 "$_instdir"/log # set the http server user:group that will run the application #chgrp -R http "$_instdir" }