# Maintainer: Adrien Prost-Boucle # Important: the versions of the packages linux and linux-header must match pkgname=riffa-git pkgver=2.2.2.git20220907 pkgrel=1 arch=('i686' 'x86_64') pkgdesc='RIFFA: A Reusable Integration Framework For FPGA Accelerators' url='http://riffa.ucsd.edu/' license=('custom') # Note : Dependency is on currently running kernel, which the compilation based on, NOT on the kernel package installed _local_linux_version=$(uname -r | sed -r 's/(-arch)/.arch/') depends=("linux=$_local_linux_version") makedepends=("linux-headers=$_local_linux_version") install='riffa.install' source=( #"git+https://github.com/drichmond/riffa.git" "git+https://github.com/marzoul/riffa.git" 'riffa.install' 'patch-subdirs.patch' '99-riffa.rules' ) # Note: No check for riffa.install because it is modified by the package() function. sha256sums=( 'SKIP' 'SKIP' '102cc4edf8008a193faf15dfe507d8cdb223036de6059b4c8f495b69ead246ac' '6dd2aee2ba41d68419004f7a80b87fbd6a1d8c723d5a2b3d293fe460a7364676' ) pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}/riffa" # RIFFA version (extracted from Makefile) local _distver=$(sed -n -e 's/^RELEASE_VER=\([0-9.a-z]*\)\s*$/\1/p' Makefile) # Date of the last git commit local _gitver=$(git log -n 1 --date=short | sed -n -e 's/^Date:\s*\([0-9-]*\)\s*$/\1/p' | tr -d -) echo $_distver.git$_gitver; } prepare() { cd "${srcdir}/riffa" # At least for Linux >= 5.12 patch -p0 -N -i ../../patch-subdirs.patch } build() { cd "${srcdir}/riffa/driver/linux" # Note: Use the debug target to have debug messages in system log at runtime. # Warning from RIFFA 2.2.0 documentation: # However they pollute your system log and incur some overhead. # So you may want to install the non-debug version after you’ve completed development. make #make debug } package() { install -Dm0755 "${srcdir}/99-riffa.rules" "${pkgdir}/etc/udev/rules.d/99-riffa.rules" cd "${srcdir}/riffa/driver/linux" install -D riffa.ko "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/riffa/riffa.ko" install -Dm0644 riffa.h "${pkgdir}/usr/include/riffa.h" install -Dm0644 riffa_driver.h "${pkgdir}/usr/include/riffa_driver.h" install -Dm0755 libriffa.so.1.0 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libriffa.so.1.0" ln -sf "/usr/lib/libriffa.so.1.0" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libriffa.so.1" ln -sf "/usr/lib/libriffa.so.1.0" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libriffa.so" }