# Maintainer: Frank Siegert pkgname=rivet-hg pkgver=r4803.18d522e5cb21 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A particle physics package for data analysis and validation of Monte Carlo event generators -- latest build from hg-repo" arch=('x86_64' 'i686') url="http://rivet.hepforge.org" license=('GPL2') conflicts=('rivet') provides=('rivet') depends=('python2' 'yoda-hg' 'fastjet' 'gsl' 'hepmc') makedepends=('cython2' 'boost' 'mercurial' 'autoconf' 'libtool' 'automake') source=('hg+https://rivet.hepforge.org/hg/rivet') md5sums=('SKIP') prepare() { cd "$srcdir/rivet" sed -e 's/\/usr\/bin\/env python$/\/usr\/bin\/env python2/g' -i bin/* doc/* pyext/setup.py.in pyext/rivet/spiresbib.py sed -e 's/cython /cython2 /g' -i pyext/rivet/Makefile.am } build() { cd "$srcdir/rivet" export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 autoreconf -i ./configure --prefix=/usr make } package() { cd "$srcdir/rivet" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc/bash_completion.d mv $pkgdir/usr/share/Rivet/rivet-completion $pkgdir/etc/bash_completion.d } pkgver() { cd "$srcdir/rivet" printf "r%s.%s" "$(hg identify -n)" "$(hg identify -i)" }