# Contributor: dangerdev # Contributor: leuko # Contributor: Tobias Borgert # Contributor: kartikmohta # Contributor: calvertdw pkgname=ros2-arch-deps pkgver=0.22 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="[Meta-PKG] Dependencies for building ROS2 on Arch" url="https://docs.ros.org/" arch=('any') license=('none') depends=( 'asio' 'bullet' 'cmake' 'curl' 'eigen' 'git' 'glew' 'glu' 'hdf5' 'libxaw' 'libxrandr' 'log4cxx' 'opencv' 'openssl' 'poco' 'procps-ng' # provides /usr/bin/free command 'pyside2-tools' 'python' 'python-argcomplete' 'python-build' 'python-cryptography' 'python-installer' 'python-lark-parser' 'python-netifaces' 'python-notify2' 'python-numpy' 'python-pyqt5' 'python-pyqt5-sip' 'python-pytest-repeat' 'python-pytest-rerunfailures' 'python-pytest-runner' 'python-pyyaml' 'python-setuptools' 'python-wheel' 'qt5-base' 'qt5-svg' 'shiboken2' 'sip' 'tinyxml2' 'vtk' 'wget' # AUR 'python-bloom' 'python-colcon-cd' 'python-colcon-common-extensions' # metapackage that covers most colcon deps 'python-rosinstall-generator' 'python-vcstool' ) optdepends=( 'ogre-legacy: backwards-compatible Ogre engine' 'python-matplotlib: for plotting in rqt' 'python-pydot: running the node graph in rqt' 'python-pyqtgraph: for plotting in rqt' )