# Maintainer: Ondřej Hruška pkgname=rpw pkgver=4.5.2 pkgrel=1 # jar filename on dropbox FNAME="ResourcePackWorkbench.jar" # icon file in the jar ICONFILE="icon-96.png" pkgdesc="Minecraft resource pack editor by MightyPork" arch=("any") url="http://mcrpw.github.io/" license=("RPW license") # Gendesk entries _name="RPW" _genericname="Resource Pack Editor" _comment="$pkgdesc" _exec=("rpw") _categories="Application;Development" source=("https://github.com/mcRPW/rpw/releases/download/v$pkgver/$FNAME" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mcRPW/rpw/master/LICENSE.txt") depends=('java-runtime') optdepends=("gimp: Editing textures" "audacity: Editing sound files" "minecraft: Source of vanilla asset files (.minecraft folder)") makedepends=("unzip" "gendesk") provides=("rpw") md5sums=('3c91ed6e8da9dfdb5a557716d76ce6a4' '6cddb8a804751e3bb58d427a8e20fcdb') prepare() { # extract icon as rpw.png unzip -o "$srcdir/$FNAME" "$ICONFILE" mv "$ICONFILE" "$pkgname.png" # build desktop file (categories field is ignored by gendesk - bug?) gendesk -f -n --pkgname "$pkgname" --pkgdesc "$pkgdesc" --categories="$_categories" # generate launcher echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nexec /usr/bin/java -jar '/usr/share/$pkgname/$FNAME' \"\$@\"\n" > "launcher.sh" } package() { # install license install -Dm 644 "LICENSE.txt" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" # install the JAR in /usr/share install -Dm 755 "$FNAME" "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/$FNAME" # Extract & install the icon install -Dm644 "$pkgname.png" "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/$pkgname.png" # Install the desktop file install -Dm644 "$pkgname.desktop" "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop" # generate a launcher script install -Dm 755 "launcher.sh" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/rpw" }