# Maintainer: Gustavo Alvarez # Based On: Sergej Pupykin pkgname=sdlmame-wout-toolkits pkgver=0.207 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="A port of the popular Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator using SDL with OpenGL support. Without Qt toolkit" url='http://mamedev.org' license=('custom:MAME License') arch=('x86_64') conflicts=('sdlmame' 'sdlmamefamily-tools' 'mame' ) depends=('sdl2_ttf' 'lua' 'flac' 'portmidi' 'portaudio' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'fontconfig' 'sqlite' 'libutf8proc' 'pugixml' ) makedepends=('nasm' 'mesa' 'glu' 'glm' 'wget' 'asio' 'python-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter' 'rapidjson' ) source=("https://github.com/mamedev/mame/archive/mame${pkgver/./}.tar.gz" 'mame.sh' ) sha256sums=('69c29533d2128345c59fbf23fabc3af696322a77a6c1d7a7bd7f5a2ee57adafb' 'b6c8eb86c38aa561b4638cb6e277a6f57adf0b8d8c4c4fa8df5070bda3125efe' ) install=sdlmame-wout-toolkits.install build() { cd "mame-mame${pkgver/./}" make PTR64=1 \ SSE2=1 \ OPTIMIZE=2 \ NOWERROR=1 \ ARCHOPTS=-flifetime-dse=1 \ USE_QTDEBUG=0 \ TOOLS=1 \ TEST=0 \ STRIP_SYMBOLS=1 \ VERBOSE=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_ASIO=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_EXPAT=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_ZLIB=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_JPEG=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_FLAC=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_LUA=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_SQLITE3=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PORTMIDI=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PORTAUDIO=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_UTF8PROC=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_GLM=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_RAPIDJSON=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PUGIXML=1 \ } package() { cd "mame-mame${pkgver/./}" # Install the sdlmame script install -Dm755 "${srcdir}/mame.sh" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mame" # Install the applications and the UI font in /usr/share install -Dm755 mame64 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mame/mame" _apps=('castool' 'chdman' 'floptool' 'imgtool' 'jedutil' 'ldresample' 'ldverify' 'nltool' 'nlwav' 'pngcmp' 'regrep' 'romcmp' 'split' 'src2html' 'srcclean' 'testkeys' 'unidasm' ) for i in "${_apps[@]}"; do install -Dm755 "${i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mame/${i}"; done # Install the extra bits _extra=('artwork' 'bgfx' 'ctrlr' 'hash' 'hlsl' 'keymaps' 'language' 'plugins' 'roms' ) for i in $(find ${_extra[@]} -type f); do install -Dm644 "${i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mame/${i}"; done (cd src/osd/modules/opengl/shader; for i in glsl*.*h; do install -Dm644 "${i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mame/shader/${i}"; done) install -Dm644 uismall.bdf "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mame/fonts/uismall.bdf" # Install man (cd docs/man/; for i in $(find . -type f -name '*.1'); do install -Dm644 "${i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/${i}"; done) (cd docs/man/; for i in $(find . -type f -name '*.6'); do install -Dm644 "${i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man6/${i}"; done) # Include the license install -Dm644 docs/LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" # documentation (cd docs; make BUILDDIR="${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" html) for i in $(find "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" -type f); do sed -e "s|${srcdir}||g" \ -e "s|${pkgdir}||g" \ -i "${i}" done }