# Maintainer: (epsilom) Xavier Corredor pkgname=shellsql pkgver=0.7.7 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="ShellSQL is a suite of programs designed to enable LINUX/UNIX shell scripts to connect to SQL engines and execute SQL queries and commands in a simple way enabling intergration with the rest of the script, support DB: postgres, mysql, sqlite3 and odbc" url="http://shellsql.sourceforge.net" license=('GPL') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') depends=('glibc' 'gcc') optdepends=('postgresql' 'mysql' 'sqlite3') source=(http://sourceforge.net/projects/shellsql/files/shellsql/$pkgver/shellsql-$pkgver.tgz/download) md5sums=('5b9e714048aa892d312408f401b5bc62') build() { cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver sed "s_"BINDIR=/usr/bin"_"BINDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/bin"_g" < install.sh > install2.sh chmod +x install2.sh mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin #PATCH: fix conflicting declaration for getline in shsqlinp cd src/ sed "s_"getline"_"getLine"_g" < shsqlinp.c > shsqlinp.c2 mv shsqlinp.c2 shsqlinp.c cd .. ./install2.sh postgres mysql sqlite3 odbc tools || return 1 }