# -*- mode: sh; -*- # Maintainer: kiasoc5 # Contributor: Xuanrui Qi # Contributor: Jeff Mickey pkgname=shepherd pkgver=0.10.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Service manager that looks after the herd." arch=('x86_64') url="https://www.gnu.org/software/shepherd/" license=('GPL3') depends=('guile' 'guile-fibers') makedepends=('gcc' 'make' 'gawk' 'sed') source=("https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz") sha1sums=('b0bdd9eda7a44f14d9ef4502263e4a7a2b8d4725') OPTIONS=(!strip) build() { cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" # We do not set sbindir here so it's easier to delete in the package step. ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 make } check() { cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 make -k check } package() { cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install # get rid of halt / reboot and the var dir rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/var" rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/sbin" rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man8" }