# Maintainer: Caleb Maclennan _pkgname=sile pkgname=$_pkgname-luajit pkgdesc='Modern typesetting system inspired by TeX' pkgver=0.10.15 pkgrel=4 arch=(x86_64) url=https://www.sile-typesetter.org license=(MIT) _lua_deps=(bit32 # Upstream Issue: https://github.com/sile-typesetter/sile/issues/1189 cassowary compat53 # Not needed for Lua 5.3+, LuaJIT is 5.1(ish) cosmo cliargs expat filesystem linenoise lpeg luaepnf penlight repl sec socket stdlib utf8 vstruct zlib) depends=(fontconfig freetype2 harfbuzz gentium-plus-font icu libpng # this goes with libtexpdf if ever split out to a library package luajit "${_lua_deps[@]/#/lua51-}" zlib) # Note: find via find-deps; needs rebuilding any time versions of these change; # currently missing several because parent packages are missing the provides=() depends+=(libfreetype.so libharfbuzz.so libicudata.so libicui18n.so libicuio.so libicuuc.so) checkdepends=(poppler) provides=(libtexpdf.so "$_pkgname=$pkgver") conflicts=("$_pkgname") _archive="$_pkgname-$pkgver" source=("https://github.com/sile-typesetter/sile/releases/download/v$pkgver/$_archive.tar.xz") sha256sums=('49b55730effd473c64a8955a903e48f61c51dd7bb862e6d5481193218d1e3c5c') build () { cd "$_archive" ./configure \ --prefix /usr \ --with-luajit \ --with-system-luarocks make all } check () { cd "$_archive" make check } package () { cd "$_archive" make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" }