# Maintainer: Brian Bidulock # Contributor: Simon Gomizelj pkgname=sipp-git pkgver=3.6.1.r42.g9f62be0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A free open source test tool and traffic generator for the SIP protocol" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://github.com/sipp" license=('GPL2') source=("git+http://github.com/sipp/sipp") depends=('openssl' 'libpcap' 'gsl' 'lksctp-tools') makedepends=('git' 'cmake') md5sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "sipp" git describe --long --tags | sed -E 's/^[^0-9]*//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } prepare() { cd "sipp" git submodule update --init } build() { cd "sipp" cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" \ -DUSE_SSL=ON \ -DUSE_PCAP=ON \ -DUSE_SCTP=ON \ . make sipp } check() { cd "sipp" make sipp_unittest ./sipp_unittest } package() { make -C "sipp" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install }