# Maintainer: Vincent Hourdin pkgname=siril pkgver=0.9.3 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="An astronomical image processing software for Linux. (IRIS clone)" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('GPLv3') depends=('gtk3' 'fftw' 'cfitsio' 'gsl' 'libconfig') url="https://free-astro.org/index.php/Siril" optdepends=('libpng: PNG import' 'libjpeg: JPEG import and export' 'libtiff: TIFF import and export' 'libraw: DSLR RAW images import' 'giflib: animated GIF monochrome sequence export' 'ffms2: films native support as image sequences and import' 'opencv: rotate and resize images' ) _pkgname="${pkgname}-${pkgver}" source=("https://free-astro.org/download/${_pkgname}.tar.bz2") sha1sums=('3af3c521d5d746fa65bece3bacfb561ae6c5d12e') build() { cd "${_pkgname}" autoreconf -fi ./configure --prefix=/usr make } package() { cd "${_pkgname}" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install }