# Maintainer: Swift Geek # Contributor: Nick Østergaard # Contributor: olasd #TODO: sed-out "need" for ExtUtils::Typemap or provide package if really needed #TODO: integrate with makepkg.d/ pkgname=slic3r-git pkgver=a pkgrel=17 pkgdesc="Slic3r is an STL-to-GCODE translator for RepRap 3D printers, aiming to be a modern and fast alternative to Skeinforge." arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv6' 'armv6h' 'armv7h') url="http://slic3r.org/" license=('GPL') depends=('perl' 'perl-moo' 'perl-sub-quote' 'perl-math-clipper' 'perl-math-convexhull' 'perl-math-geometry-voronoi' 'perl-math-planepath' 'perl-math-convexhull-monotonechain' 'perl-io-stringy' 'perl-encode-locale' 'perl-extutils-makemaker-aur>=6.82' 'perl-threads-aur>=1.96' 'perl-extutils-parsexs>=3.22' 'boost') makedepends=('git' 'perl-module-build-withxspp' 'perl-module-build' 'perl-devel-checklib') optdepends=('perl-wx: GUI support' 'perl-net-dbus: notifications support via any dbus-based notifier' 'perl-xml-sax-expatxs: make AMF parsing faster' 'perl-xml-sax: Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) support' 'perl-wx-glcanvas: support for opengl preview' 'perl-opengl: support for opengl preview' 'perl-net-bonjour: support for autodiscovery of printers on network (octoprint)' 'perl-class-xsaccessor: creating faster accessor methods') # 'perl-growl-gntp: notifications support via growl' provides=('slic3r' 'slic3r-xs' 'slic3r-xs-git') conflicts=('slic3r' 'slic3r-xs' 'slic3r-xs-git') #Consider uncommenting line below in case of false negative test results ;) #BUILDENV+=('!check') source=('git+https://github.com/alexrj/Slic3r.git' 'slic3r.desktop' 'slic3r.pl') md5sums=('SKIP' '1b561afff48c79f86889664375d179ed' 'b0acc88252ad23ae80c5e2596cfc883a') _gitname="Slic3r" #TODO: derrive this from pkgbuild "fragment", skip checkout/reset if fragment is set in source (no need for doing this twice) #_gitfragment="stable" _gitfragment="master" _src_dir='$srcdir/$_gitname' countdown() { local i for ((i=$1; i>=1; i--)); do [[ ! -e /proc/$$ ]] && exit echo -ne "\rPress [i] to start interactive config in $i second(s) or any key to skip. Default _gitfragment=${_gitfragment}" sleep 1 done } pkgver() { eval cd "$_src_dir" # ### Now figure out PKGVER # if grep -sq '#define SLIC3R_VERSION' ./xs/src/libslic3r/libslic3r.h; then # 6adc3477c9d08d2cfa0e6902b3d241a9193e50d4 intruduces libslic3r.h in that directory BUT # 8b6a8e63079978646cd98a96d6ad178b28f3067c introduces version in that header _pkgver="$(awk -F'"' '/#define SLIC3R_VERSION/ {print $2};' ./xs/src/libslic3r/libslic3r.h).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" elif grep -sq 'constexpr auto SLIC3R_VERSION' ./xs/src/libslic3r/libslic3r.h; then # 8250839fd5200bad9b180c056055acf515b0ad6f introduces another change _pkgver="$(awk -F'"' '/constexpr auto SLIC3R_VERSION/ {print $2};' ./xs/src/libslic3r/libslic3r.h).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" else _pkgver="$(awk 'BEGIN{FS="\""}/VERSION/{gsub(/-dev/,"",$2); print $2 }' ./lib/Slic3r.pm).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" fi _pkgver="${_pkgver//-/_}" echo "${_pkgver}" } prepare() { # Disable detached head warning ( eval cd ${_src_dir} ; git config advice.detachedHead false ) # TODO: After all done ramp up pkgver++ # TODO: Remind user about stable branch and others # TODO: ASK for disabling checks in case of failure (or even press something to ignore for N seconds) #------------------------------------------------------ # Welcome new interactive config overlord { #TODO: Display warning with current branch/commit, just before prompt to press key if [[ "$(cat /proc/$$/cmdline | tr -d \\0)" != *noconfirm* ]] && tty -s ; then countdown 3 & countdown_pid=$! read -s -n 1 -t 3 ikey || true kill -s SIGHUP $countdown_pid > /dev/null || true # Any key below 1sec fix echo -e -n "\n" elif [[ "$(cat /proc/$$/cmdline)" != *noconfirm* ]]; then error "Interactivity prompt in make process is impossible with your AUR helper - change _gitfragment value to needed branch/tag/commit. Default value is ${_gitfragment}" else warning "Interactivity prompt skipped (noconfirm)" fi if [ "$ikey" = "i" -o "$ikey" = "I" ]; then select_mode=$(dialog --keep-tite --backtitle "$pkgname" --noitem --radiolist 'Specify revision based on:' 0 0 0 branch/commit on tag off 2>&1 >/dev/tty) case $select_mode in "branch/commit") eval cd "$_src_dir" # Pick a branch - default is master… for now # TODO: derrive actual current state of selection (commit/branch from fragment) branches=( $(git ls-remote --heads origin | sed 's?.*refs/heads/??' | awk '{printf $1; if ($1 == "master") printf " on ";else printf " off "}') ) branch=$(dialog --keep-tite --backtitle "$pkgname" --no-items --radiolist 'Pick branch' 0 0 0 ${branches[*]} 2>&1 >/dev/tty) unset branches msg2 "Chosen \"${branch}\" branch " git checkout $branch -f # Pick commit readarray -t git_log <<< "$(git --no-pager log -n 30 --pretty=oneline)" for line in "${git_log[@]}" do commits+=( "$(echo $line | awk '{printf $1}')" ) commits+=( "$(echo $line | awk '{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) { printf $i; if (i&1 >/dev/tty) unset commits msg2 "Picked \"${commit}\" commit" git checkout $commit -f ;; "tag") eval cd "$_src_dir" tags=( $(git tag -l | tac | awk '{printf $1; if ($1 == "1.0.0RC1") printf " on ";else printf " off "}') ) tag=$(dialog --keep-tite --backtitle "$pkgname" --no-items --radiolist 'Pick tag' 0 0 0 ${tags[*]} 2>&1 >/dev/tty) msg2 "Picked \"${tag}\" tag" git checkout "tags/${tag}" -f ;; *) echo "WTF!? This shouldn't happen at all" ;; esac else eval cd "$_src_dir" git checkout "${_gitfragment}" -f fi } 1>&2 ### OLD PREPARE eval cd "$_src_dir" # Nasty fix for useless Growl dependency ... please post in comments/upstream real fix, if u know one ;) sed -i '/Growl/d' Build.PL # Nasty fix for useless warning sed -i '/^warn \"Running Slic3r under Perl/,+1 s/^/\#/' ./lib/Slic3r.pm # Nasty fix for local::lib use find . -iregex '.*\.\(pl\|pm\|t\)' -print0 | xargs -0 -l sed -i -e '/use local::lib/d' } build() { # Setting these env variables overwrites any command-line-options we don't want... export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--skipdeps \ PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR='$pkgdir'" \ PERL_MB_OPT="--installdirs vendor --destdir '$pkgdir'" \ MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null export SLIC3R_NO_AUTO="true" eval cd "$_src_dir/xs" # Dependency check - intended of package maintainer only, for now #TODO: make sure that this if actually works when !check inside makepkg.conf and check inside pkgbuild... find last check and check if it has ! in front?. Is check default? if [[ " ${BUILDENV[*]} " != *" !check "* ]] || [[ " ${BUILDENV[*]} " == *" !check"*" check "* ]]; then msg2 "Checking prerequisites" /usr/bin/perl Build.PL --gui || true #TODO: make enough seds so true is not needed fi warning " ⚠ DO NOT respond to any question with 'yes'. Report a bug in comment instead.\n" # Cuz cpan will install fixes to $HOME ... which is not the point of this package #warning "Running Slic3r under Perl = 5.16 is not supported nor recommended\nIn case of related to this issues please use ARM repository to get older perl package\n" #↑ detect perl 5.16? Sound's commit 9cb6dc768fe187b0324927b5ec787307f36477cd states that only that version is affected. Cannot be done with pkg-config # slic3r-xs Build stage msg2 "Building Slic3r::XS (1/3)" /usr/bin/perl Build.PL ./Build } check () { eval cd "$_src_dir" msg2 "Testing Slic3r::XS - (2/3)" prove -Ixs/blib/arch -Ixs/blib/lib/ xs/t/ msg2 "Testing Slic3r (3/3)" prove -Ixs/blib/arch -Ixs/blib/lib/ t/ } package () { eval cd "$_src_dir" install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/ cp -R $srcdir/$_gitname/lib/* $pkgdir/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/ install -d $pkgdir/usr/bin/vendor_perl/ install -m 755 $srcdir/$_gitname/slic3r.pl $pkgdir/usr/bin/vendor_perl/ #TODO : Do something about utils ! #install -m 755 $srcdir/$_gitname/utils/*.pl $pkgdir/usr/bin/ #install -m 755 $srcdir/$_gitname/utils/post-processing/*.pl $pkgdir/usr/bin/ # ZSH autocompletion install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/zsh/site-functions" install -m 0644 "$srcdir/$_gitname/utils/zsh/functions/_slic3r" "$pkgdir/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_slic3r.zsh" # Icons " current Build.PL is not really geared for installation " install -d $pkgdir/usr/bin/vendor_perl/var install -m 644 $srcdir/$_gitname/var/* $pkgdir/usr/bin/vendor_perl/var/ # Desktop icon install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/applications install -m 644 $srcdir/slic3r.desktop $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/ # Welcome ultimate ugly - u² hack TODO: This may be not needed anymore! install -m 755 $srcdir/slic3r.pl $pkgdir/usr/bin/slic3r.pl ### SLIC3R-XS MERGE eval cd "$_src_dir/xs" ./Build install }