# Maintainer: Pieter Goetschalckx <3.14.e.ter at gmail dot com> # Contributors: Det, goetzc, Ner0, Lari Tikkanen, oke3, Flamelab, WAntilles pkgname=smplayer-svn pkgver=99.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Transitional Package:(smplayer-git) Media player with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats' arch=('x86_64') url='https://www.smplayer.info/' license=('GPL') depends=('pacman' 'smplayer-git') provides=('smplayer-svn') sha256sums=('SKIP') package() { echo "This package is Depreciated: Please install smplayer-git, instead." echo "" echo "This package will remain as a transitionary package until such time its no longer required." echo "" echo "You may uninstall this package if this is your first time seeing this, as smplayer-git should of been installed as part of its installation." echo "" echo "Goodbye, and Thanks for all the Fish!" }