# Maintainer: graysky # Contributer: Serge Ziryukin pkgname=split2flac # upstream has gone read-only and this is the last commit _commit=491591d21e2f97419e74751864b76b234b0fa2f1 pkgver=20200508 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Split flac/ape/wv/wav + cue sheet into separate tracks." arch=(any) url="https://github.com/ftrvxmtrx/split2flac" license=(MIT) depends=(cuetools shntool flac) replaces=(split2flac-git) eonflicts=(split2flac-git) optdepends=( 'aacgain-cvs: to adjust gain in m4a' 'enca: to automatically detect charset if not UTF8' 'faac: to split into m4a' 'flac: for flac replay gain support' 'mac: to split APE format' 'id3lib: to set tags in mp3 unicode not supported' 'imagemagick: to convert/resize album cover images' 'lame: to split into mp3' 'libmp4v2: to split into m4a' 'mp3gain: mp3 volume normalization' 'python-mutagen: mp3 with unicode support within tags' 'vorbis-tools: to split into ogg vorbis' 'vorbisgain: ogg vorbis volume normalization' 'wavpack: to split WV') source=("$pkgname-${_commit:0:7}.tar.gz::https://github.com/ftrvxmtrx/$pkgname/archive/$_commit.tar.gz") b2sums=('65c31516835721b8bd4e554feb300e95bc07eee0b453da6245982f1211bd5ceb7f64e8e7d58b8f640d2b41e312f9b98e8ce3fbb863a1f6b19457a5d908153e5e') package () { cd "$pkgname-$_commit" install -Dm755 $pkgname "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" install -Dm755 $pkgname-bash-completion.sh \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/$pkgname-bash-completion.sh" for i in split2mp3 split2ogg split2m4a split2wav; do ln -s split2flac "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$i" done }