# Maintainer: bluemeda _name=spotify-ripper pkgname=spotify-ripper pkgver=2.8.9 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='a small ripper for Spotify that rips Spotify URIs to audio files' arch=('any') url="https://github.com/jrnewell/$_name" license=('MIT') depends=('python2' 'python2-pyspotify=2.0.5' 'python2-colorama-0.3.3' 'python2-mutagen-1.30' 'python2-requests>=2.3.0' 'python2-schedule>=0.3.1' 'lame') optdepends=('flac: Rip songs to lossless FLAC encoding' 'opus-tools: Rip songs to Opus encoding' 'vorbis-tools: Rip songs to Ogg Vorbis encoding' 'faac: Rip songs to AAC format with FreeAAC' 'libav-git-no-libs: Rip songs to Apple Lossless format' 'fdkaac: Rip songs to MP4/M4A format with Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec') makedepends=('python2-setuptools') source=("https://github.com/jrnewell/spotify-ripper/archive/"$pkgver".zip") md5sums=('acc4fad98416232d716414327e185449') package() { cd "$srcdir/$_name-$pkgver" python2 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1 || return 1 }