# Maintainer: Phillip Smith # http://github.com/fukawi2/aur-packages ### I AM ONLY THE PACKAGER, NOT THE DEVELOPER ### Please ask support questions about this software in one of: ### 1) The AUR comments; OR ### 2) Upstream forums/maillist etc; OR ### 3) The ArchLinux forums ### I do not always know enough about the software itself, or don't have the ### time to promptly respond to direct emails. ### If you have found a problem with the package/PKGBUILD (as opposed to ### the software) then please do email me or post an AUR comment. pkgname=sqlgrey pkgver=1.8.0 pkgrel=4 pkgdesc="Postfix greylisting policy service with auto-white-listing with SQL database as storage backend." arch=('any') url="http://sqlgrey.sourceforge.net/" license=('GPL') depends=('perl' 'perl-net-server' 'perl-io-multiplex' 'perl-dbi' 'perl-date-calc' 'postfix>=2.1') optdepends=('perl-dbd-pg: for using postgresql as backend database' 'perl-dbd-mysql: for using mysql as backend database') backup=('etc/sqlgrey/sqlgrey.conf' 'etc/sqlgrey/clients_ip_whitelist.local' 'etc/sqlgrey/clients_fqdn_whitelist.local') install="${pkgname}.install" source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sqlgrey/sqlgrey-1.8%20%28stable%29/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz" 'fix-Makefile-path-to-perldoc.patch' 'fix-Makefile-sbinpath.patch' 'sqlgrey.service' 'clients_fqdn_whitelist.local' 'clients_ip_whitelist.local') md5sums=('de9c6d0740fd2589d4e353e76c40e2c7' '0f87aa737aec1d1ac8a1bb6915f619a0' 'ee03f586291b6f377ab28d5c1d5aca60' 'bcf0940abe01a48fbfc9a4c5c5a7ae6f' '235535e43def87509936e13f5a9bab44' '9ad7dd44af527e10674c79e511fc1dfc') _UID=111 _GID=111 prepare() { cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver patch -p0 < $srcdir/fix-Makefile-path-to-perldoc.patch patch -p0 < $srcdir/fix-Makefile-sbinpath.patch } build() { cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver make } package() { cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver make ROOTDIR="${pkgdir}" install # install sample config files install -Dm644 -o $UID -g $_GID "$srcdir"/clients_fqdn_whitelist.local "$pkgdir"/etc/sqlgrey/clients_fqdn_whitelist.local install -Dm644 -o $UID -g $_GID "$srcdir"/clients_ip_whitelist.local "$pkgdir"/etc/sqlgrey/clients_ip_whitelist.local # set permissions chown -R $_UID:$_GID "$pkgdir"/etc/sqlgrey # remove redundant init.d directory rmdir "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d # install systemd "unit file" install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/sqlgrey.service "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/system/sqlgrey.service } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: