pkgname=stl2pov pkgver=3.1 pkgrel=4 pkgdesc="generate a POVray mesh or a PostScript or PDF view from an STL file" arch=('any') url="" license=(BSD) depends=('python2') optdepends=('python2-cairo: for stl2pdf support') provides=('stl2ps' 'stl2pdf') conflicts=('stl2ps' 'stl2pdf') options=(!emptydirs) source=("${pkgver}.zip") sha256sums=('d5a2eccbd627d05b28d3b6d619202d3a55b4d94dbf21a63b68109688ebc8e929') prepare() { cd "$srcdir/py-stl-$pkgver" # the limit truncates valid vectors to 0 and raises errors... increase it sed -i 's/LIMIT = 1e-7/LIMIT = 1e-40/' -- } package() { cd "$srcdir/py-stl-$pkgver" python2 install --root="$pkgdir/" --optimize=1 }