# Maintainer: Steven Guikal pkgname=sway-borders-git _pkgname=sway-borders pkgver=r6976.8fba9c04 pkgrel=1 license=("MIT") pkgdesc="Fork of Sway with some additional (mostly graphical) features" makedepends=( "git" "meson" "scdoc" "wayland-protocols" ) depends=( "cairo" "gdk-pixbuf2" "json-c" "pango" "polkit" "pcre" "swaybg-git" "ttf-font" "wlroots-git" ) optdepends=( "foot: Terminal emulator used by the default config" "dmenu: Application launcher" "grim: Screenshot utility" "i3status: Status line" "mako: Lightweight notification daemon" "slurp: Select a region" "swayidle-git: Idle management daemon for Sway" "swaylock-git: Screen locker for Sway" "wallutils: Timed wallpapers" "waybar: Highly customizable bar" "xorg-xwayland: X11 support" ) backup=(etc/sway/config) arch=("i686" "x86_64") url="https://github.com/fluix-dev/sway-borders" source=("git+$url.git" "50-systemd-user.conf") sha512sums=('SKIP' 'c2b7d808f4231f318e03789015624fd4cf32b81434b15406570b4e144c0defc54e216d881447e6fd9fc18d7da608cccb61c32e0e1fab2f1fe2750acf812d3137') provides=("sway") conflicts=("sway") options=(debug) pkgver() { cd "$_pkgname" printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } build() { arch-meson \ -Dsd-bus-provider=libsystemd \ -Dwerror=false \ "$_pkgname" build meson compile -C build } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build install -Dm644 "$_pkgname/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" install -Dm644 "50-systemd-user.conf" -t "$pkgdir/etc/sway/config.d/" for util in autoname-workspaces.py inactive-windows-transparency.py grimshot; do install -Dm755 "$_pkgname/contrib/$util" -t \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/scripts" done }