# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # Contributor: Yakir Sitbon # Contributor: Christian Hesse # Contributor: Alucryd # Contributor: Stas S # Contributor: Hilinus # Multilib is required. Wine is not required. # TODO: Does not autostart with startxfce4. Maybe it works with gdm. # TODO: Fix 10.0.46203 or wait for new version # Test requirements # Test in i686 and x86_64 # Test with root and two non root users. One non root user should start with a blank home dir. # Test with outgoing, incoming, and swap connections. set -u pkgname='teamviewer9' #pkgver=8.0.20931 pkgver=9.0.32150 #pkgver=10.0.35002 #pkgver=10.0.36281 #pkgver=10.0.37742 #pkgver=10.0.41499 #pkgver=10.0.46203 # Patched to work in user (standalone) mode. Does not work with teamviewerd.service. pkgrel=1 _pkgver_major="${pkgver%%.*}" if [ "${pkgname%-quicksupport}" != "${pkgname}" ]; then _tvdir="teamviewer${_pkgver_major}qs" _opt_QuickSupport=1 else _tvdir="teamviewer${_pkgver_major}" _opt_QuickSupport=0 fi # Both TeamViewer and TeamViewerQS operate in two modes. If you extract the files to a HOME folder # and just run teamviewer, it will self start a user mode network process to support the gui tool. # Watch for 'Starting network process (no daemon)' in the console window. # If you install TeamViewer, the GUI tool expects to attach to it. TeamViewer # attaches to the service you start as root and TeamViewerQS attaches to an invisible service # that self starts as non root. # Self Start: teamviewerd -n -f # Service: teamviewerd -d # The TeamViewer service in 10.0.46203 is broken under Arch Linux. This broke both # TeamViewer and TeamViewerQS. This shows that TeamViewerQS has a server mode even though # the server file is invisible and the service can only launch as non root. # To fix TeamViewerQS we change the scripts so even while installed, QS will start in user mode. # Since TeamViewerQS cannot be set for permanent startup, there was never a reason to have a # server mode for TeamViewerQS. # Others have noted that the non QS .tar.gz download works fine and believe that it is different. # It isn't different. All downloads are the same except for the per-OS dependencies. What changes # is that isInstalledTV detects you're running from a user folder and autostarts the user mode # network process. This mode still works. Unfortunately you lose the ability to autostart # for incoming connections which is the whole reason why we use the Linux version of TeamViewer. # Otherwise you could just install TeamViewer for Windows into Wine or a VM. # To fix TeamViewer we make the scripts detect whether the service has been loaded and load # the user mode networking or attach to the service as necessary. # The TeamViewer service works in the Debian Jessie Live ISO i386 and amd64 so the problem should be fixable. # Until a fix is found we either don't enable the service or go back to 41499. # TeamViewer has a different configuration between standalone and service. Try this to reset: # sudo systemctl stop teamviewerd.service # sudo rm -f /opt/teamviewer10/config/global.conf # mkdir ~/.config/teamviewer10/config # optional: sudo systemctl start teamviewerd.service # To get started fixing, search the logs for # systemd: no active session found for display :0, assuming login screen # I don't use a login screen. I use startxfce4. # -CJS 2015-09-25 pkgdesc='All-In-One Software for Remote Support and Online Meetings' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://www.teamviewer.com' license=('custom') depends=('bash') depends_i686=('alsa-lib' 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'gcc-libs' 'glib2' 'libice' 'libsm' 'libxdamage' 'libxrandr' 'libxtst' 'pcre' 'zlib' 'libxinerama' 'libpng12' 'qt4') # From Debian: 'libjpeg6-turbo' 'expat' 'libxau' 'libxdmcp' 'libxcb' 'libx11' 'libxfixes' 'libxext' 'libxrender' 'libxi' 'libxtst' 'util-linux' depends_x86_64=("${depends_i686[@]/#/lib32-}") #conflicts=('teamviewer') options=('!strip') install="${pkgname%%[0-9]*}.install" _verwatch=('https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux.aspx' '\s\+v\([0-9\.]\+\).*' 'f') if [ "${_pkgver_major}" -eq 10 ]; then source=("http://download.teamviewer.com/download/version_${_pkgver_major}x/teamviewer_${pkgver}.i686.rpm") else source=("teamviewer_${pkgver}.i686.rpm::http://download.teamviewer.com/download/version_${_pkgver_major}x/teamviewer_linux.rpm") fi sha256sums=('12f00b1dff5e4fc2f49b50dd1e76a7c9fc6920f5d524a2d96879f0bfdc415aa7') PKGEXT='.pkg.tar.gz' # There are 4 Linux downloads. The files and folder structure are all the same. The only difference is packaging and dependencies. # Debian MultiArch # Debian i386 # RPM # tgz # The DEB is the worst. There are 3 different versions, though to Arch they are all the same. # The RPM is the easiest to work with. It unpacks automatically, there's only one arch, and all the folders are set up. # The Linux QuickSupport has some different binaries to enable a built in server. Also includes libs. # Keep this at zero. While private logging is functional, the logs don't log anything # and there might be other problems. _opt_PRIVATELOG=0 prepare() { [ -d 'opt' ] && cd 'opt' if [ -d 'teamviewer' ] && [ ! -d "${_tvdir}" ]; then mv 'teamviewer' "${_tvdir}" fi cd 'teamviewer'*/ if [ -s 'tv_bin/archive.tar.xz' ] && pushd 'tv_bin' >/dev/null; then msg2 'Extracting QuickSupport archive' bsdtar -xf 'archive.tar.xz' rm -f 'archive.tar.xz' popd >/dev/null fi set -u sed -i -e 's:/var/run/:/run/:g' 'tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.service' # Fix paths in the systemd service file, not used in QuickSupport. sed -i -e "s:/opt/teamviewer/:/opt/teamviewer${_pkgver_major}/:g" 'tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.service' # remove some trash. This is mostly to antagonize the scripts if they decide to run the wrong thing. rm -rf 'tv_bin/RTlib/' rm -f 'tv_bin/xdg-utils/xdg-email' rm -f 'tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.'{RPM,DEB}.conf 'tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.sysv' 'tv_bin/script/tv-delayed-start.sh' 'tv_bin/TeamViewer' 'tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer.desktop.template' # This makes checklibs run better find -type f -name '*.so*' -exec chmod 755 '{}' ';' # fix some CRLF line endings sed -i -e 's:\r::g' doc/* # This runs Explorer instead of TeamViewer so you can look around. #sed -i -e 's:^\(\s\+exec wine\) "[^"]\+":\1 "explorer.exe":g' 'tv_bin/script/tvw_main' sed -i -e '# duh?! This is far too complicated to allow it to self update.' \ -e '/UpdateBinaries/s/^/#/' \ -e '# This crashes on startup for a path that already exists' \ -e '#s:^\(\s*make_path "$TV_LOG_DIR"\):#&:g' \ 'tv_bin/script/tvw_main' # Clean up the installer. Mostly fluff! sed -i -e '# Make the script highlight correctly in Midnight Commander mcedit' \ -e 's:^TV_SCRIPT_DIR=.*$:& # ":g' \ -e '# Disable install, for the curious that must try everything once... like me!' \ -e 's:^TVSetup :function InstallTar() { echo "Use pacman to install, update, and remove TeamViewer QuickSupport"; }\n&:g' \ -e '# They renamed the file from tv_setup and forgot to correct the contents' \ -e 's:tv-setup :teamviewer_setup :g' \ 'tv_bin/script/teamviewer_setup' if [ "tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer-teamviewer${_pkgver_major}.desktop" != "tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer-${_tvdir}.desktop" ]; then mv "tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer-teamviewer${_pkgver_major}.desktop" "tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer-${_tvdir}.desktop" fi sed -i -e '# set correct path in many files' \ -e "s|/opt/teamviewer/|/opt/${_tvdir}/|g" \ "tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer-${_tvdir}.desktop" $(grep -rlIF '/opt/teamviewer/' 'tv_bin/script/') if [ "${_opt_PRIVATELOG}" -ne 0 ]; then sed -i -e 's:^\(\s\+TV_LOG_DIR\)=.*$:&\nmkdir -p "${TV_LOG_DIR}":g' 'tv_bin/script/tvw_config' fi sed -i -e '# set correct path for QS' \ -e 's:^\(\s*TV_INSTALL_BASE_DIR\)=.*$'":\1=/opt/${_tvdir}:g" \ -e "# Arch Linux lib locations are different than Redhat." \ -e "# This has no effect on TeamViewerQS but it fixes incoming connections for TeamViewer>=10.0" \ -e "#s:^\(TV_LD32_PATH\)='/lib/:\1='/usr/lib32/:g" \ -e "#s:^\(TV_LD64_PATH\)='/lib64/:\1='/usr/lib/:g" \ -e '# QuickSupport wants to place profiles in /opt/teamviewer##/profiles but' \ -e '# Wine requires that the launching user owns the folder. The first' \ -e '# user to use TeamViewer will block the rest out' \ -e "# so we make QS use the user's home folder." \ -e "# Making everyone use /opt/teamviewer##/{config,logfiles,profile} must be made unsafe to get it functional." \ -e "# I don't see how their setup could work on any of their supported platforms." \ -e 's:^\(\s\+TV_PROFILE\)=.*$:\1="$HOME/.config/'"${_tvdir}"'" # &:g' \ -e '#s:^\(\s\+TV_LOG_DIR\)=.*$:\1="$TV_BASE_DIR/logfiles":g' \ -e '#s:^\(\s\+TV_CFG_DIR\)=.*$:\1="$TV_BASE_DIR/config":g' \ 'tv_bin/script/tvw_config' #sed -i -e '# More attempts to disable the server' \ # -e 's:$TV_BASE_DIR/config/global.conf:$TV_CFG_DIR/global.conf:g' \ # 'tv_bin/script/tvw_extra' 'tv_bin/script/tvw_profile' # Disable the automatic Network Process if the service is running. For TeamViewerQS the service is never active. sed -i -e '/function isInstalledTV/,/^}$/c function isInstalledTV() { systemctl -q is-active "teamviewerd.service"; }' 'tv_bin/script/tvw_aux' # This also allows checklibs to run from the src folder. echo 'function isInstalledTV() { return 1; } #TeamViewerArchLinux' >> 'tv_bin/script/tvw_aux' # It's quite tricky to keep QS from detecting that TV is installed so that QS can run in standalone mode. sed -i -e '/function SetupEnv/,/^}$/c function SetupEnv() { :; }' 'tv_bin/script/tvw_profile' local _lf=$'\n' local _tvcode=" # This is used by the installer to know which folder to remove #_opt_TVDIR=${_tvdir} #_opt_TVPKGVER=${pkgver} _opt_TVBINDIR=/opt/${_tvdir}/tv_bin _opt_TVCONFIGDIR=/opt/${_tvdir}/config _opt_QuickSupport=${_opt_QuickSupport} # Set by the PKGBUILD. QuickSupport only uses the 32 bit version. #_opt_MajorVersion=${_pkgver_major}"' # Needed by the installer # Keep this from launching in a PuTTY window and the console. if [ -z "${DISPLAY}" ]; then echo "No graphical DISPLAY. Try running TeamViewer from an X Terminal." exit 1 fi # TeamViewerQS and TeamViewer 8.0 work without an .Xauthority file. Required for TeamViewer>=9.0. if [ ! -s ~/".Xauthority" ]; then xauth generate :0 . trusted fi if killall -9 "TVGuiSlave.64" 2>/dev/null; then echo "Killing TVGuiSlave.64" sleep 1 fi if killall -9 "TVGuiSlave.32" 2>/dev/null; then echo "Killing TVGuiSlave.32" sleep 1 fi unset _opt_QuickSupport ' sed -i -e "s@^TV_SCRIPT_DIR=@${_tvcode//${_lf}/\\n}&@g" 'tv_bin/script/teamviewer' set +u } check() { set -u [ -d 'opt' ] && cd 'opt' cd 'teamviewer'*/ # The lib checker isn't well tested for TeamViewerQS cd 'tv_bin' [ -f 'TVGuiSlave.64' ] || ln -s '/usr/bin/true' 'TVGuiSlave.64' [ -f 'TVGuiDelegate' ] || ln -s '/usr/bin/true' 'TVGuiDelegate' cd 'script' set +u if [ "${_pkgver_major}" -eq 8 ]; then cp -p 'tvw_config' 'tvw_config.Arch' sed -i -e 's:^\(\s\+TV_LOG_DIR\)=.*$:\1="/tmp":g' \ 'tvw_config' fi if grep -ql -- '--checklibs' 'teamviewer_setup'; then local _checklibs='--checklibs' else local _checklibs='checklibs' fi if ! ./teamviewer_setup "${_checklibs}" > '/tmp/teamviewer-PKGBUILD.tmp'; then ./teamviewer_setup "${_checklibs}" fi cat '/tmp/teamviewer-PKGBUILD.tmp' # 10.0.35002 beta shows a bogus dependency on libwine.so.2 if [ "${pkgver}" != '10.0.35002' ] && grep 'missing' '/tmp/teamviewer-PKGBUILD.tmp'; then rm -f '/tmp/teamviewer-PKGBUILD.tmp' false fi rm -f '/tmp/teamviewer-PKGBUILD.tmp' if [ -f 'tvw_config.Arch' ]; then mv 'tvw_config.Arch' 'tvw_config' fi cd .. [ ! -L 'TVGuiSlave.64' ] || rm -f 'TVGuiSlave.64' [ ! -L 'TVGuiDelegate' ] || rm -f 'TVGuiDelegate' cd .. rm -f 'logfiles'/*.log } package() { set -u if [ "${_opt_QuickSupport}" -ne 0 ]; then cd 'teamviewer'*/ install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/${_tvdir}/" mv * "${pkgdir}/opt/${_tvdir}/" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" ln -sf "/opt/${_tvdir}/tv_bin/script/teamviewer" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/quicksupport" cd "${pkgdir}/opt/teamviewer"*/ # Label the icon correctly sed -i -e 's:^Name=.*$:& QuickSupport:g' "tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer-${_tvdir}.desktop" #"tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer.desktop.template" else mv 'etc' 'opt' 'usr' 'var' "${pkgdir}" #mv 'opt' 'usr' "${pkgdir}" cd "${pkgdir}/opt/teamviewer"*/ install -Dpm644 "tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/teamviewerd.service" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" sed -i -e 's:^.*#TeamViewerArchLinux$::g' 'tv_bin/script/tvw_aux' fi # We don't allow TV and QS installed at the same time so we create both executables. ln -sf "/opt/${_tvdir}/tv_bin/script/teamviewer" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/teamviewer" # Without this QS claims that the server isn't running. It sounds wrong since QS uses its built in server unless TV is installed. # The real answer is that all pidfiles are created there and the inability to create a pidfile triggers the message. # There's no reason to have both so the Arch packages are set up so QS and TV can't be installed at the same time. # There is evidence of private config folders in the tvw_config but I coudldn't get them to work. This might be because # I was deleting the config folder in /opt which is needed for the pid files. Still though a private config # doesn't make sense since many of the scripts are hardcoded to the /opt folder. Sounds not well tested to me. chmod 1777 'config' if [ "${_opt_PRIVATELOG}" -ne 0 ]; then rmdir 'logfiles' else # Each user creates core and stack files here. chmod 1777 'logfiles' install -pm666 /dev/null 'logfiles/TeamViewer10_Logfile.log' install -pm666 /dev/null 'logfiles/startup.log' fi install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications" ln -sf "/opt/${_tvdir}/tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer-${_tvdir}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/teamviewer.desktop" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" ln -sf "/opt/${_tvdir}/doc/License.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" # /var isn't found anywhere in the files so there's no reason to have these folders. #install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/" #ln -sf "/opt/${_tvdir}/config" "${pkgdir}/var/lib/teamviewer" #install -d "${pkgdir}/var/log" #ln -sf "/opt/${_tvdir}/logfiles" "${pkgdir}/var/log/teamviewer" set +u } set +u