# Maintainer: Anatol Pomozov # Contributor: Byron Clark # This package contains only thrift compiler and C/C++ libraries # for all the language binding one should use corresponding language-specific package manager: # CPAN for perl, gem for ruby, pip for python etc... Or better to create arch packages that install # the binding from the language specific managers python2-thrift, perl-thrift, ruby-thrift, ... pkgname=thrift-git pkgver=0.10.0.r5124.a533ea161 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Scalable cross-language services framework for IPC/RPC' arch=(i686 x86_64) url='http://thrift.apache.org/' license=(APACHE) depends=(gcc-libs openssl) makedepends=(boost libevent git) conflicts=(thrift) provides=(thrift) replaces=(thrift) source=(git://github.com/apache/thrift) sha1sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd thrift echo 0.10.0.r$(git rev-list --count master).$(git rev-parse --short master) } build() { cd thrift ./bootstrap.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --with-cpp \ --with-c_glib \ --with-libevent \ --without-haskell \ --without-php \ --without-ruby \ --without-python \ --without-erlang \ --without-perl \ --without-java \ --without-c_sharp \ --without-d \ --without-php \ --without-go \ --without-lua \ --without-nodejs \ --without-tests make } package() { cd thrift make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install -m0644 -D contrib/thrift.vim "$pkgdir"/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax/thrift.vim install -m0644 -D contrib/thrift.el "$pkgdir"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/thrift.el }