# Maintainer: Nick Econopouly pkgname=tiny-irc-client-git pkgver="0.8.0" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A console IRC client" arch=('x86_64') provides=('tiny-irc-client') conflicts=('tiny-irc-client') url="https://github.com/osa1/tiny" license=('MIT') depends=('openssl' 'dbus') makedepends=('git' 'rust-nightly') source=(git+$url) sha512sums=(SKIP) build() { # Installs the Rust toolchain to a temporary directory. If you # already have the toolchain installed, e.g. via the script at # https://rustup.rs/ or another package, you can remove the # rust-nightly dependancy and comment out the following three # commands. mkdir -p stable export RUSTUP_HOME=$(pwd)/stable rustup toolchain install stable # build tiny cd tiny cargo install --path crates/tiny --features=desktop-notifications } package() { cd tiny install -Dm755 target/release/tiny "$pkgdir/usr/bin/tiny" install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/tiny/LICENSE" }