# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # Todo: Update addlogins and rmlogins for systemd* getty # Todo: Console utility like drpadmin: trueportadmin or ptyxadmin or ??? # Bugs: # The Statistics/Serial Screen on an SDS does not show the proper baud rate when a TruePort is set by stty -F. # tpadm -d removes the config entry but does not kill the daemon. _opt_DKMS=1 # This can be toggled between installs _opt_MAXINSTPORTS=16 # Maximum install ports. Ranges from 1 to 255999. # See instructions in release notes for more than a few thousand. # Default=256 which is plenty for normal size installations. # It's best to use a small number. Nodes are created for # /dev/{tps,txc,txm}{0..n-1} _opt_SSL=1 # 1 for SSL support, 0 for no SSL support # Each device is independantly configured with or without SSL _opt_defaultmode='666' # default: 660 _opt_Debug=0 # 0 for no symbols, 1 for symbols # The following two must be different and exactly two letters, and likely # lowercase. # This is experimental and changed at your own risk! _opt_slavettypfx='tx' # default tx _opt_masterttypfx='px' # default px (this isn't very useful to users) # Once installed you need to enable and start the service. Starting the service # loads the kernel driver (ptyx) and loads a daemon (trueportd) for each # configured device. # systemctl enable trueport.service # systemctl start trueport.service # As long as the service is enabled, subsequent installs and upgrades will # start the service automatically. # There are no man pages. For instructions download the # "TruePort Linux User Guide" linux_ug-6_2.pdf from Perle. # Ignore the sections on install and remove. These functions are handled by # this PKGBUILD. # 4 port IOLan STS 4D example # Log into the STS 4D and switch all ports to TruePort # addports -hup -k 2500 -opmode optimize_lan -client 0 3 # Is the kernel module loaded? # lsmod | grep ptyx # ptyx 24576 14 # Are the daemons running? # ps -e | grep trueportd # 8534 tpc0 00:00:00 trueportd # 8535 tpm1 00:00:00 trueportd # 8536 tpm2 00:00:00 trueportd # 8537 tpm3 00:00:00 trueportd # Were the tty's created? # ls /dev/[pt]x[0-9]* # /dev/tx0000 /dev/tx0001 /dev/tx0002 /dev/tx0003 # Set baud rate. # stty -F /dev/tx0000 57600 # Default baud rate at boot should be set in the IOLan web interface. # Watch the RX/TX leds on the terminal server # echo "Hello" > /dev/tx0000 # echo "Hello" > /dev/tx0001 # echo "Hello" > /dev/tx0002 # echo "Hello" > /dev/tx0003 # What ports are running? # tpadm -l ALL # Deactivate all ports # tpadm -d # tpadm -d # tpadm -d # tpadm -d # Remove orphaned tty nodes. These disappear on the next reboot. # rm -f /dev/tx[0-9]* # 1 port IOlan DS1 as Trueport example # Log into the DS1 and switch the port profile to TruePort # addports -hup -k 2500 -opmode optimize_lan -client 0 0 # 1 port IOlan DS1 or 3rd party brand as TCP Socket example # Log into the DS1 and switch the port profile to TCP Sockets # addports -l -hup -k 2500 -io mb_ascii -opmode optimize_lan -client 0 0 # Uninstall cleanup: rm -rf /etc/trueport set -u pkgname='trueport' pkgver='6.8.3_1' #_dlver="${pkgver//_/-}" _dlver='6.8.0-2' # only use this with a version change patch set _srcdir="${pkgname}-${_dlver%%-*}" pkgrel='1' pkgdesc='tty driver for Perle IOLan+ DS TS SDS STS SCS JetStream LanStream LinkStream and 3rd party serial console terminal device servers' _pkgdescshort='Perle TruePort driver for Ethernet serial servers' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://www.perle.com/' license=('GPL' 'custom') depends=('glibc' 'systemd') if [ "${_opt_SSL}" -ne 0 ]; then depends+=('openssl') fi makedepends=('awk' 'sed' 'diffutils' 'patch') conflicts=('dgrp') # running together with dgrp eventually jams up trueport backup=(etc/trueport/{config.tp,pktfwdcfg.tp,sslcfg.tp}) options=('!docs' '!emptydirs' '!strip') install="${pkgname}-install.sh" _verwatch=('https://www.perle.com/downloads/server_ds1.shtml' '\s\+\([^<]\+\)<.*' 'f') source=( "https://www.perle.com/downloads/drivers/trueport/linux2.6/${pkgname}-${_dlver}.tgz" 'tty_default_permissions.patch' 'trueport-patch-6.8.0-6.8.3-stack-smashing.patch' # http://dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/patch/22003/ [dpdk-dev] kni: fix build with kernel 4.11 lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/kni/compat.h lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/kni/kni_dev.h # http://dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/patch/22037/ # http://rglinuxtech.com/?p=1930 # https://forum.manjaro.org/t/error-with-rtl8812au/24066 'trueport-patch-signal_pending-kernel-4-11.patch' ) sha256sums=('c03dc972166fb693411cafcc7fb01478022dbc5da19d4db0f505591df819a72e' '28863731fd99e447dc456312ef33e40f93623b56da0d345e45f40e238ca49639' '12e94a054970784e8b75548f8a60eaa1372aeaf92adee911854db1163488c6ad' '76157d41c665f36eddd4063aad05e75c53881b14d6a4218982da14b6aac9836e') if [ "${_opt_DKMS}" -ne 0 ]; then depends+=('linux' 'dkms' 'linux-headers') else makedepends+=('linux-headers') fi prepare() { set -u cd "${_srcdir}" # diff -pNaru5 'trueport-6.8.0' 'trueport-6.8.3' > 'trueport-patch-6.8.0-6.8.3-stack-smashing.patch' patch -Nup1 < '../trueport-patch-6.8.0-6.8.3-stack-smashing.patch' # diff -pNau5 ptyx/ptys.c{.orig,} > '../trueport-patch-signal_pending-kernel-4-11.patch' patch -Nup0 < '../trueport-patch-signal_pending-kernel-4-11.patch' # insert parameters and make install script non interactive. sed -e 's:^\(DONE\)=.*$:'"\1='done';SSL='${_opt_SSL}':g" \ -e 's:^\(MAXINSTPORTS\)=.*$:'"DONE='done';MAXINSTPORTS='${_opt_MAXINSTPORTS}':g" \ 'tar_install.sh' | \ NEED_SSL= \ sh -e -u -s -- 'rpm_build' sed -e '# Stripping symbols is the job of PKGBUILD. We need these for crash analysis.' \ -e '/install/ s:-s::g' \ -e '# Try clang' \ -e '#s:^CC=.*$:CC=clang:g' \ -i 'Makefile' # make clean for ptyx forgets a few things sed -e 's:rm -f ptymod\.o:rm -f ptyx.mod.o ptyx.o ptymod.o:g' -i 'ptyx/Makefile' # Remove CRLF line endings from some files sed -e 's:\r$::g' -i 'tp_ver.h' 'ptyx/ptyx.h' # Change the default ttys from tx and px (experimental) sed -e 's:\( fixed_ttyname,"\)px\(" \):'"\1${_opt_masterttypfx}\2:g" \ -e 's:\( slave_ttyname, "/dev/\%s\%04d","\)tx\(",\):'"\1${_opt_slavettypfx}\2:g" \ -i 'trueportd.c' sed -e 's:^\(FORMAT\)=tx:'"\1=${_opt_slavettypfx}:g" 'addports' sed -e 's:^\(FULLTTYNAME\="\)tx:'"\1${_opt_slavettypfx}:g" \ -e 's:\(grep "\)tx:'"\1${_opt_slavettypfx}:g" \ -i 'tplogin' # Add code for default permissions and chown group to uucp # I tried to change system("mknod") to mknod() but the permissions # wouldn't stick without a separate call to chmod() sed -e "s:@TRUEPORT_TTY_PERMISSIONS@:${_opt_defaultmode}:g" \ -e "s:@TRUEPORT_TTY_GROUP@:uucp:g" \ "${srcdir}/tty_default_permissions.patch" | \ patch -Nbup0 # diff -pNau5 trueportd.c{.orig,} > '../tty_default_permissions.patch' # Then change the two @@ items above 'ma'ke -s -j1 clean # keep git-aurcheck quiet set +u } build() { set -u cd "${_srcdir}" local _cflags=('-s' '-g -rdynamic') #_cflags[0]+=' -fno-stack-protector' local _makeflags=('-s' '') CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${_cflags[${_opt_Debug}]}" \ make ${_makeflags[${_opt_Debug}]} -j1 # Too small to benefit from multi processor compile set +u } package() { set -u cd "${_srcdir}" if [ "${_opt_DKMS}" -eq 0 ]; then # I don't want Linux version info showing on AUR web. After a few months 'linux<0.0.0' makes it look like an out of date package. local _kernelversionsmall="$(uname -r)" _kernelversionsmall="${_kernelversionsmall%%-*}" if [ "${_kernelversionsmall%\.0\.0}" != "${_kernelversionsmall}" ]; then # trim 4.0.0 -> 4.0 _kernelversionsmall="${_kernelversionsmall%\.0}" fi # prevent the mksrcinfo bash emulator from getting these vars! eval 'conf''licts=("linux>${_kernelversionsmall}" "linux<${_kernelversionsmall}")' eval 'dep''ends+=("linux=${_kernelversionsmall}")' fi make -s -j1 DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install rm -f '/tmp/files' # Not used by postinstall. Probably used in the rpm_build. # Fix postinstall to generate modprobe.conf. Stop after the first section. install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/etc/modprobe.d" sed -e 's:/etc/modprobe:${DESTDIR}&:g' \ -e 's:^if \[ -x /sbin/depmod:exit 0\n&:g' \ -e '#s:-x /sbin/depmod:-x "/sbin/depmod":g' \ -e '#s:/sbin/depmod -a:true:g' \ -e '#s:^CHKCONFIG_BIN=""$:exit 0:g' \ 'postinstall.sh' | \ MAXINSTPORTS="${_opt_MAXINSTPORTS}" \ DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" \ sh -e -u -s -- # Postinstall functions are either handled by our install or not valid with systemd rm -f "${pkgdir}/etc/trueport"/{postinstall.sh,uninstall.sh} # We use the SysV init script but we don't want it in init.d where # systemd SysV compatibility might try to run it. mv -f "${pkgdir}/etc/init.d/trueport" "${pkgdir}/etc/trueport/trueport" rmdir "${pkgdir}/etc/init.d" # systemctl start loads the kernel module and any number of daemons. No daemon # is loaded if no ports are configured. systemd stops the service if nothing forks. # Notify was the only way I could find to keep the service running. sed -e 's/[^a-z];;/systemd-notify --ready;;/' -i "${pkgdir}/etc/trueport/trueport" # /lib is deprecated in Arch Linux mv -f "${pkgdir}/lib" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/" # systemd service install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF # Automatically generated by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR # https://aur.archlinux.org/ [Unit] Description=${_pkgdescshort} After=network.target [Service] Type=notify ExecStart=/etc/trueport/trueport start ExecStop=/etc/trueport/trueport stop ExecReload=/etc/trueport/trueport restart RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF ) "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/trueport.service" if [ "${_opt_DKMS}" -ne 0 ]; then rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/" local _dkms="${pkgdir}/usr/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF # Automatically generated by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR # https://aur.archlinux.org/ PACKAGE_NAME="${pkgname}" PACKAGE_VERSION="${pkgver}" AUTOINSTALL="yes" BUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="ptyx" BUILT_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="ptyx" # Using all processors doesn't compile this tiny module any faster. MAKE[0]="make -j1 -C 'ptyx'" CLEAN[0]="make -j1 -C 'ptyx' clean" # Placing the DKMS generated module in a different location than the standard install prevents conflicts when PKGBUILD _opt_DKMS is toggled DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/kernel/drivers/misc" EOF ) "${_dkms}/dkms.conf" install -Dpm644 ptyx/* -t "${_dkms}/ptyx/" rm "${_dkms}/ptyx/modules.order" install -pm644 'tp_ver.h' 'tp.h' -t "${_dkms}/" sed -e '# No DKMS instructions say to do this but it works and keeps the MAKE line real simple' \ -e 's:$(shell uname -r):$(KERNELRELEASE):g' \ -e 's:`uname -r`:$(KERNELRELEASE):g' \ -e '# DKMS sets KERNELRELEASE which accidentally launches phase 2 of this Makefile' \ -e '# Fix by changing the detection var.' \ -e '# SUBDIRS makes more sense to me because I can see it in the Makefile!' \ -e 's:^ifeq ($(KERNELRELEASE):ifeq ($(SUBDIRS):g' \ -i "${_dkms}/ptyx/Makefile" make -s -C "${_dkms}/ptyx/" clean fi set +u } set +u