# Maintainer: Yutsing Kuh # BUILD INSTRUCTIONS: # ------------------- # # Please note, that usage of Microsoft fonts outside running Windows # system is prohibited by EULA (although in certain countries EULA is invalid). # Please consult Microsoft license before using fonts. # # You can acquire fonts from an installed and up-to-date Windows 11 # system with corrosponding optional fonts installed. # # You can go to Settings > Apps > Optional features > Add an optional feature. # Then search for "Simplified Chinese Supplemental Fonts" and install it. # # On the installed Windows system fonts are usually located in # C:\Windows\Fonts # and license file is # C:\Windows\System32\Licenses\neutral\_Default\Core\license.rtf # # You need all files listed in the _ttf_ms_win11_fod_zh_cn arrays. Place them in the # same directory as this PKGBUILD file, then run makepkg. pkgname=ttf-ms-win11-fod-zh_cn pkgver=10.0.22631.2506 pkgrel=3 arch=(any) url='https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/fonts/windows_11_font_list#chinese-simplified-supplemental-fonts' license=(custom) conflicts=(ttf-ms-win10-fod-zh_cn ttf-ms-win11-fod) _ttf_ms_win11_fod_zh_cn=( ######################################################### # Filename # Family Font name Version # ######################################################### Dengl.ttf # DengXian DengXian Light 1.18 Deng.ttf # DengXian 1.18 Dengb.ttf # DengXian Bold 1.18 simfang.ttf # FangSong FangSong 5.01 simkai.ttf # KaiTi KaiTi 5.01 simhei.ttf # SimHei SimHei 5.03 ) DLAGENTS=("file::/usr/bin/echo ${BOLD}${RED} Unable to find %u, please read the PKGBUILD ${ALL_OFF}" $DLAGENTS[@]) source=(${_ttf_ms_win11_fod_zh_cn[@]/#/file://} file://license.rtf) sha256sums=('a950894abb1ceb1be0d9460b26e5a6167cafc3fc3330eab7f6b21db8b96cd080' 'fd46a547002d330f48855408609eb47c22a8c269fe01e3d183e7ca98397bde77' 'be80e1246047a6489a2573c6426519c7cfe0d08c1669dd81c43bb67d39482a19' '3e2d44b01c9a248a61bedae4f15c8aae501328b1f7adfe6e111a5da5aa5c5104' '9dd76f7ab430edd091db24c3f18e71410325c1414141aad5fe67947873ffba06' 'aa4560dd8fe5645745fed3ffa301c3ca4d6c03cbd738145b613303961ba733b8' 'SKIP') _package() { conflicts+=(${pkgname/11/8} ${pkgname/11/10} ttf-win7-fonts${pkgname##*11}) install -Dm644 $@ -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/fonts/TTF" install -Dm644 license.rtf -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" } package_ttf-ms-win11-fod-zh_cn() { pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 11 Chinese (Simplified) Supplemental Fonts' _package ${_ttf_ms_win11_fod_zh_cn[@]} }