# Maintainer: Zhang Hai # Instructions were copied from ttf-ms-win8 and slightly modified: # # BUILD INSTRUCTIONS: # ------------------- # # Please note, that usage of Microsoft fonts outside running Windows # system is prohibited by EULA (although in certain countries EULA is invalid). # Please consult Microsoft license before using fonts. # # You can acquire fonts either from an installed and up-to-date Windows 10 # system or the most recent install medium. # # On the installed Windows 10 system fonts are usually located in # C:\Windows\Fonts # and license file is # C:\Windows\System32\license.rtf # # How to acquire fonts from Windows 10 install medium: # # You can freely download the Windows 10 Enterprise 90-day evaluation from: # # http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-10-enterprise # # Fonts are located in 'sources/install.wim' file on the ISO, which # is a 'Windows Imaging Format' (WIM) archive. # # You can extract WIM using wimextract ('wimlib' package from AUR) or # 7z ('p7zip'). # # Put the following script together with previously extracted # 'install.wim' and execute: # # wimextract install.wim 1 /Windows/{Fonts/"*".{ttf,ttc},System32/Licenses/neutral/"*"/"*"/license.rtf} --dest-dir fonts # # Fonts and license will be located in the 'fonts' dir. # # You need all files listed in the _ttf_wps_win10[_*] arrays.Place them in the # same directory as this PKGBUILD file, then run makepkg. pkgname=ttf-wps-win10 pkgver=1.0.0 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Symbol fonts required by wps-office from Microsoft Windows 10" arch=('any') url="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/product.aspx?PID=164" license=('custom') depends=('fontconfig' 'xorg-font-utils') provides=('ttf-wps-fonts') conflicts=('ttf-wps-fonts') install="${pkgname}.install" _ttf_wps_win10=('MTEXTRA.TTF' 'symbol.ttf' 'webdings.ttf' 'wingding.ttf' 'WINGDNG2.TTF' 'WINGDNG3.TTF') DLAGENTS+=("file::/usr/bin/echo ${BOLD}${RED} Unable to find %u, please read the PKGBUILD ${ALL_OFF}") source=("${_ttf_wps_win10[@]/#/file://}" 'file://license.rtf') sha256sums=('6c469962f33b7222f07b8d1ae8025f177f4a5f5db3eb62fa1523f261a270991f' 'bffdc2fd675d9af414824ae84d8456504542480afb34fbc6bfd6903656c4f854' '1161ce511c44eb5464a4f8144aaf3eb965a50ed66957ad7d38e497ab9d958e5a' 'd7c38355bd52f52e043ed904f3463d476925300d1bdca9e842b28077ca3549b8' 'fa671b6fddedd57f158ab90b6aa6a7c33db6f41ab620db72b7ad1e57c38bda5f' 'ac9ee085920a3d8b076d5e0c61dc9df42c4bac28d1fc968344f9ceddb3972f69' 'd7772b57a65afc23005af09349d7d8fc2b933a52bf24230767bcb3e53e317799') package() { for font in "${_ttf_wps_win10[@]}"; do install -Dm644 "${font}" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/TTF/" done install -Dm644 license.rtf -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/" }