# Maintainer: Lari Tikkanen # Contributor: Joshua Hunt # Contributor: Joao Cordeiro pkgname=unnethack pkgver=5.2.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Variant of NetHack. It features more randomness, more levels, more challenges and more fun than vanilla NetHack." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="https://unnethack.wordpress.com" license=('custom') depends=('bash') source=(https://github.com/UnNetHack/UnNetHack/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz) sha256sums=('a5b2577d0caa721d0c9107c084e64ebb58041bc931c3f53f2fb02e70862d1232') prepare() { cd "$srcdir/UnNetHack-$pkgver" sed -e "s/GAMEUID = @OWNER@/GAMEUID = root/g" \ -e "s/GAMEGRP = @GROUP@/GAMEGRP = games/g" \ -e "s/GAMEPERM = 04755/GAMEPERM = 02775/g" \ -e "s/VARFILEPERM = 0644/VARFILEPERM = 0664/g" \ -e "s/VARDIRPERM = 0755/VARDIRPERM = 0775/g" -i sys/autoconf/Makefile.top } build() { cd "$srcdir/UnNetHack-$pkgver" ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-gamesdir=/var/games/unnethack --with-owner=`id -un` --enable-curses-graphics make } package(){ cd "$srcdir/UnNetHack-$pkgver" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install manpages chown -R root:root "$pkgdir/usr/" chown root:games "$pkgdir/usr/share/unnethack/unnethack" chmod 775 "$pkgdir/var/games/" install -D -m 644 dat/license "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/license" }