# Maintainer: Viech pkgname=unvanquished-data pkgver=0.51.1 pkgrel=1 _gitver="archlinux/${pkgver}-${pkgrel}" pkgdesc='Game assets for Unvanquished.' arch=('any') url='http://www.unvanquished.net' license=('GPL3') makedepends=('aria2>=1.18.7-2') source=("https://github.com/Unvanquished/Unvanquished/raw/${_gitver}/download-dpk-torrent.sh") # disable package compression since assets are already compressed PKGEXT='.pkg.tar' build() { cd "${srcdir}" chmod +x download-dpk-torrent.sh } package() { # create installation directory install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/unvanquished/pkg/" # use package source directory as the cache for the download script if [ ! -d "${srcdir}/cache" ]; then mkdir "${srcdir}/cache" fi # attempt to copy existing assets from the system, so they aren't redownloaded if [ -d /usr/share/unvanquished/pkg ]; then echo "Copying existing assets from the system..." cp -r /usr/share/unvanquished/pkg/*.dpk "${pkgdir}/usr/share/unvanquished/pkg/" || true fi # make the download script aware of copied assets, so it will remove unneeded ones ls -c1 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/unvanquished/pkg/" > "${srcdir}/cache/last-assets.txt" # remove old aria2 progress files in case the torrent itself was updated rm -f "${srcdir}/cache/"*".aria2" # download new or modified assets ./download-dpk-torrent.sh "${pkgdir}/usr/share/unvanquished/pkg/" "${srcdir}/cache" "${pkgver}" } md5sums=('a53bcb79af17ca7b7050a62bd023f814')