# Maintainer: 7Ji pkgname='usb2host' pkgver='1.0' pkgrel='1' pkgdesc='A tiny program to put dual-role USB port to host mode' url='https://github.com/7Ji/usb2host' license=('GPL3') install="${pkgname}".install source=("${url}"/archive/refs/tags/v"${pkgver}".tar.gz) sha256sums=('0a00ab9b3db484be2c90b0cb6a7c99d9a88f22b5768eed90605c3c631b048a23') arch=('any') _srcname="${pkgname}-${pkgver}" build() { make -C "${_srcname}" } package() { make -C "${_srcname}" install PREFIX="${pkgdir}" NODE='\$$NODE' # Arch-specific, use a config file instead of embedding the node name in service file. # This is not set in usb2host itself as when users install it they should already know the node name. # That, however, is not the case if we want to distribute the pacakge. sed 's_ExecStart_EnvironmentFile=/etc/conf.d/'"${pkgname}"'\n&_' \ -i "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/"${pkgname}".service { echo "# The node should exist under '/sys/kernel/debug/usb' and has a file entry 'mode'" echo "# e.g. for OrangePi5, it's 'fc000000.usb'" echo "NODE=fc000000.usb" } | \ install -D --mode 644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}"/etc/conf.d/"${pkgname}" }