# Maintainer: Adrián Pérez de Castro # Set to non-empty value to change the "Inherits=..." value in # the "index.theme"; the value will be inserted as-is in the file. # For example the following would make the theme inherit from the # "nouveGnome" theme: # # _inherits='nouveGnome,hicolor' # # The default value speficied by the theme is "Moka,gnome,hicolor". # Note that most of the time "hicolor" should be always given as # last possible fall-back icon theme, as it will be always present. # _inherits='' pkgname='vertex-icons-git' pkgdesc='A Gnome icon theme to match the Vertex Gtk theme' pkgver=r16.f27e47e pkgrel=5 url='https://github.com/horst3180/Vertex-Icons' makedepends=('git') optdepends=('moka-icon-theme-git: Default fall-back icon theme' 'faba-mono-icons-git: Default fall-back icon theme') arch=('any') license=('GPL') source=("${pkgname}::git+${url}") install="${pkgname}.install" sha512sums=('SKIP') pkgver () { cd "${pkgname}" ( set -o pipefail git describe --long 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' || printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" ) } prepare () { if [[ -n ${_inherits} ]] ; then # Change "Inherits=" line in "index.theme" sed -i "s/^Inherits=.*$/Inherits=${_inherits}/" "${pkgname}/index.theme" fi } package () { cd "${pkgname}" install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/Vertex-Icons" for i in * ; do if [[ -d ${i} ]] ; then echo "Installing: ${i}..." cp -r "${i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/Vertex-Icons" fi done install -Dm644 index.theme \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/Vertex-Icons/index.theme" }