# Maintainer: copygirl pkgname=vintagestory # _release is the version's release type, commonly "stable" for normal releases, # "unstable" for release candidates and "pre" for testing releases before big updates. _release=stable # _pkgver is separate to allow specifying pre-release versions such as "-rc.1". _pkgver=1.19.3 # makepkg doesn't support hyphens in pkgver. They'll be replaced with underscores. pkgver=${_pkgver//-/_} pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Uncompromising wilderness survival sandbox game (requires paid account)" arch=("x86_64") url="https://www.vintagestory.at/" license=("custom") depends=("dotnet-runtime-7.0" "opengl-driver" "openal" "glibc>=2.34") source=("https://cdn.vintagestory.at/gamefiles/$_release/vs_client_linux-x64_$_pkgver.tar.gz" # "https://account.vintagestory.at/files/$_release/vs_client_linux-x64_$_pkgver.tar.gz" (alternative source) "$pkgname.desktop" "vsmodinstall-handler.desktop") md5sums=("b5fe2789d088ca6bd6de9e88a0f8adcc" "26ff9ca4fb0a583589f26f2c274d4ec6" "e77871150115253e0d8c31b77a274182") prepare() { # Remove install script provided by developers rm "$pkgname"/install.sh # Create symbolic links for any assets (excluding fonts) containing non-lowercase letters # Some asset files might include uppercase letters, but the game expects them to be lowercase find "$pkgname"/assets/ -not -path "*/fonts/*" -regex ".*/.*[A-Z].*" | while read -r file; do local filename="$(basename -- "$file")" ln -sf "$filename" "${file%/*}"/"${filename,,}" done } package() { # Copy application icon and .desktop files install -Dm644 "$pkgname"/assets/gameicon.xpm "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pixmaps/"$pkgname".xpm install -Dm644 "$pkgname".desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/"$pkgname".desktop install -Dm644 vsmodinstall-handler.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/vsmodinstall-handler.desktop # Copy fonts to /usr/share/fonts install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir"/usr/share/fonts/TTF/ "$pkgname"/assets/game/fonts/*.ttf # Copy all other application files cp -rdp --no-preserve=ownership "$pkgname" "$pkgdir"/usr/share/"$pkgname" # Create a symlink to run the game from terminal install -dm 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ # Create directory first (required) ln -s /usr/share/"$pkgname"/Vintagestory "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/"$pkgname" }