# Maintainer: BlackIkeEagle # Contributor: TZ86 pkgname=vivaldi-snapshot _rpmversion=2.7.1628.28-1 pkgver=2.7.1628.28 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='An advanced browser made with the power user in mind. Snapshot' url="https://vivaldi.com" options=(!strip !zipman) license=('custom') arch=('x86_64') depends=('gtk3' 'libcups' 'nss' 'alsa-lib' 'libxss' 'ttf-font' 'desktop-file-utils' 'shared-mime-info' 'hicolor-icon-theme') makedepends=('w3m' 'imagemagick') optdepends=( 'vivaldi-snapshot-ffmpeg-codecs: playback of proprietary video/audio' 'pepper-flash: flash support' 'google-chrome: Widevine DRM Plugin' 'vivaldi-widevine: Widevine DRM Plugin' 'libnotify: native notifications' ) source=("https://downloads.vivaldi.com/snapshot/vivaldi-snapshot-${_rpmversion}.x86_64.rpm") sha512sums=('e0a605f90047f6f3bf23a69d074e5b622230aa0a1de54d3bd630fe1f7b0d2273ac97e1974bb14439ae96926b9828ee1056c5ff9208c839fa4355645b582d726e') package() { cp --parents -a {opt,usr/bin,usr/share} "$pkgdir" # suid sandbox chmod 4755 "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/vivaldi-sandbox" # make /usr/bin/vivaldi-snapshot available binf="$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" if [[ ! -e "$binf" ]] && [[ ! -f "$binf" ]] && [[ ! -L "$binf" ]]; then install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin" ln -s /opt/$pkgname/$pkgname "$binf" fi # 256 and 24 are proper colored icons for res in 128 64 48 32; do convert "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/product_logo_256.png" \ -resize ${res}x${res} \ "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/product_logo_$res.png" done for res in 22 16; do convert "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/product_logo_24.png" \ -resize ${res}x${res} \ "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/product_logo_$res.png" done # install icons for res in 16 22 24 32 48 64 128 256; do install -Dm644 "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/product_logo_${res}.png" \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/$pkgname.png" done # license install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" strings "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/locales/en-US.pak" \ | tr '\n' ' ' \ | sed -rne 's/.*(.*html>).*/\1/p' \ | w3m -I 'utf-8' -T 'text/html' \ > "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/eula.txt" }